Chapter 7

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You say you love the rain, but you open your umbrella,

You say you love the sun, but find a shadow spot,

You say you love the wind, but you close your window,

This is why I'm afraid, you say that you love me too.

- William Shakespeare

"Answer the phone." I say as I pace back and forth my room. "Hi. You've reached Tate Langdon, if I don't answer, I don't wanna talk." I sigh. "Hey Tate. Can I come over? I want to talk to you about something." I end the call and toss my phone on my bed. "I need answers." I rub my face, pulling down on it.

"Alex! I need help!" "UUUUGGGGHHHH!" I stand up, angry as I stomp down the stairs. "What do you want?!" I scream, hands balled up into fists. "Lokigotout. Iwaslookingawayforonesecondandheranoutthedoor." Nat said in a rushed voice. "Wait. What!" My voice went higher then before. "NICK IS GOING TO KILL ME!" "Maybe you should be watching him instead of mopping in that room of yours!" I storm out the door and look around the street as I run. "Where could he have gone?" I whisper as I halt.

There I see, right before me, Loki in a shop, actually looking around and not destroying anything. I slowly make my way into the store and try to follow him. Looking around the store, I noticed that he disappeared. "Where did he go?" I say before hearing a cough behind me, then being pushed against the wall. "I want to escape and you little girl won't stop me. I can get out of there before you know it." He had a gleam in his eyes but it sure didn't go with what he was doing. "Get off of me. I can and will attack before you know it." I growl in a low tone as he just laughs. I push him hard, elbowing him in the gut then slamming my knee into his face. He fell to the floor, in a fetal position. I bend down and lean in towards his head. "Don't mess with me."

After being kicked out of the shop, Nat shows up with Asgardian chains, making sure that they were tight on him. He winced in pain signalling to Nat that it was tight. I grab the chains and pull him in the direction of my house.

"You should probably change into some comfortable clothes instead of wearing that leather outfit all the time." I say, noticing how he was quiet. "You should listen to me so that I don't get kicked out of anymore stores cause of you walking up behind me and holding me against the wall." I glance at him for a split second before looking straight. "You know that I shouldn't be treated like an animal." His voice broke the odd silence. "But I don't treat you like one." "You never let me outside. I'm always cooped up. I want to see the world." I look at him, seeing the sadness in him and start to feel sorry. 'Don't feel sorry. Remember what Nick told you, that he likes to use emotion against people.'


"Have you ever been lonely, thinking that your relationship is real? Then I suggest that you check on him." I replay the moment in my head. Tate and I had gone out on a date to a show. There was a lady speaking about relationships, and how they should be supporting each other and trusting each other when around the other gender. It was really a blur as I couldn't remember most, but that was the only thing I could remember. The sound of my phone ringing, pulled me out of my thought. "Hello?" "Hey sweetie, you wanted to come over to my house?" "Yeah." "Okay, you can come over now. Bye. Mwah." His voice disappears from the line, the ringing of the phone filling his space. "Guess I have to confront him now. But with Loki." I mumble, sliding my phone into my pocket.

I grab my bag and slid it on my shoulder, then yelling for Loki. He runs to the door and throws his jacket and shoes on knowing it's the only time he will be allowed to go outside. I quickly start the car and reverse as the radio turned on. Speeding in down the street, I draw closer to his home. My nerves start to act up as I turn down the street. "Maybe we should go back-" "No. You need to confront him about what he has done. Would you let someone live if you knew they murdered someone?" Loki said with a twitch that looked more like a slight smirk. "But you're still alive and you killed multiple people who were innocent." I look over at him as I pull over to the curb outside of Tate's house. "Here we go."

Walking up to the door, I feel as if something is wrong on the other side like there was another person. "He wouldn't cheat on me if he knew I was coming over, would he?" I snap out of my thoughts and ring the bell. Loki sat off to the side, out of sight from Tate so he wouldn't question why Loki came. The door opens not to reveal him, BUT to reveal a girl in just her underwear. Not even a bra! "WHAT THE! TATE, WHY IS THERE A RANDOM WOMAN HERE! WHY WOULD YOU CHEAT ON ME! AND FOR EVERYTHING I HAVE DONE FOR YOU." Tears stream down my face as Loki stood behind, watching me as I began to smash photos of us on the walls. "Relax. She's a friend. Plus you never did anything sexual with me. How's a guy suppose to stay in a relationship if the girl never puts out." He chuckles before falling to the ground. "I hope you like your nuts being kicked you asshole of a person. And to you, you can disappear you little piece of crap and have this person." I say, walking out of the house and slamming the door behind me. "One sec." Loki mumbles, running back inside. I look through the glass to see Loki punch him in the face.

I sit in the vehicle crying my eyes out as Loki opens the door and sits down. I had sat in the passenger seat just to get away but Loki had the keys in the ignition and started the car, pulling away from the house and driving. "What the hell are you doing?" I say through a hoarse voice. "I'm getting you away from this fuck of a person and going to make you better. Plus Steve won't be happy when he finds out about this."

We pull into Tony's place and exit the car. "Why are we here?" I ask but Loki just leads me into the building and up to the top. We arrive to the top and step out into the room, seeing everybody, even Steve look in our direction. It was so silent, you could hear a pin drop. The tears were still flowing and my eyes were red and puffy, as my heart was broken.

"He cheated on me."

The room stayed silent as Steve looked angry as Nat was in-between. "HE CHEATED ON ME MULTIPLE TIMES AND HAD THE NERVE TO TELL ME THAT HOW HE IS SUPPOSE TO STAY IN A RELATIONSHIP IF I DON'T PUT OUT FOR HIM! AND HE HAD A GIRL OVER WHEN I GOT THERE. SHE ANSWERED THE DOOR IN HER  UNDERWEAR NOT EVEN A BRA. JUST HER UNDERWEAR!" I scream, as pain went through my body. I collapse to the floor as I curl up balling my eyes out. "I just wanna die." I cry.

I started to hiccup from the lack of breath I was breathing which lead to hyperventilating. I started to gasp for air as my body needed it but my lungs wouldn't let it. "H—E—L—P!" I say, in short breaths of air. Loki was in a search for a paper bag as tony told him where they were. He finally found one and brought it to me, holding it for me.

My breathing slowed down as my crying stopped. I was just numb. Steve had left the room as Nat was cuddling me on the couch. All I could do was think. And all I could think was that you have to lose him before you find yourself.

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