Chapter 3:I'm a harpist not a fighter.

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I had begun preparing my baggage when Strand told us we had to get our belongings and leave

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I had begun preparing my baggage when Strand told us we had to get our belongings and leave. I hurled my things down with the help of Nick and placed them on the boat. We sailed off in the direction of the Abigale. "Nick grab the bow line. We better tie off." Strand called out as I hung unto my harp for dear life. I'd wondered what'd Strand would say if I wasn't useful to him, if he would have even let me take my harp. Probably not. I knew I had to accept the fact this was a changing world. It wasn't going to be easy for me. Life had always been easy for me. I could get anything I wanted just by saying my name. But now, a name would only get you so far, I doubted money would be the currency anymore. As we made it to the boat and tied it on I jumped off after strand and with the help of Alicia and Nick I hurled my harp off and grabbed my bag, Strand had taken the other one. I brought them right into the pain area of the yacht and secured the safety of my belongings I then walked down helping as best I could with the boat as Strand fired it up. I paused with a frown as I saw the fiery explosion in the distance of a place I'd once lived. There went my past, present and future.

"And my life, just like that is up in flames." I muttered sadly standing next to Alicia watching the fire in the distance as Nick rode off on the boat.

"At least you got to keep your harp." Alicia pointed out with a shrug.

"I wasn't leaving without it. Strand knew that and he needed something from me. But I need a piece of my old life. I'm going to find the rooms." I informed her turning away and pulling my belongings below deck to where the sleeping areas were and getting myself settled in. Once I walked up, back onto the deck I saw everyone was on there safely and they were all watching as L.A was engulfed in a sea of flames. I then turned and remembered the words of Robert Frost, 'Some say the world will end in fire, others in Ice' if I was being honest I don't think he was being so literal with that. Once the next day came I was sitting at the bar pouring my coffee much full of vodka taking it straight as I rubbed my temple tiredly. I heard the cries of those lost at sea. And I drank more, as if I was trying to drown my conscience. I looked up as I saw Daniel looking at me with a frown as I finished off my drink and I turned away from him pouring another cup full, consuming more and more.

Retreating to the outside area I found myself lounging on the deck alone looking out on the water as the sunrays glistened, dancing across the rippling water as the wind and the boat ruined it's still and calm perfection. Reaching out for the book I had taken onto the boat. It was a philosophical book. I doubted it would be of any real value but something had to matter. The days seemed to float by slowly, and we all waited in this impending stillness. I sat on the railings trying to find something to so, I was so bored. As it I was stuck, restless in my impending Nihilism and drunkenness. Stumbling off the railings I walked down to my bedroom where I walked in and took my harp out. Sitting in my chai I began to pluck the strings with my fingers, it had been a few days since I'd played but I hadn't gotten rusty. As I plucked a tune of what I would have played if I had gone to that Gala Nick walked in with a soft smile.

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