CHAPTER 7:"Shoulda, woulda, Coulda, story of our life right?"

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Nick walked up to Maddison with a frown; Kali hadn't come out of the bathroom all night. She's stayed in there, door locked, not answering him. "What happened to her?" Nick asked quietly when Daniel walked up sternly.

"The man we have in the bedroom, me was advancing sexually on her. Do you know you know if it's happened to her before? Someone force themselves on her? She almost seemed paralysed in fear." Maddison tried to find a conclusion but Nick only shook his head confused.

"Not that she's ever told me. But, I don't know, she never really told me much about this kind of stuff." Nick shared sternly.


I didn't want to leave the bathroom; I laid there, drunken in my depression. I tried to fix everything. I tried to fix myself, try and make myself better. I'd spent half my life doing that but I never succeeded. I was pathetic in my father's eyes, non-existent in my mothers. But my brother, he'd really pulled through and loved me, but it didn't matter. At the end of the day nothing I did was ever good enough. It didn't matter if I was smart enough, pretty enough, talented enough. Nothing I ever did was on time. I figured out what I really wanted to do. Two years later, this happened. People started eating people. It all went wrong.

I heard the knocking on the door, the vibrations sent through my spin as my back relaxed against the door. "Hey look Kali, just open the door please." Nick asked through the door and I turned resting my head against the door I wished I could go back in time; it would make things easier for me. Letting myself stumble to my feet I opened the door seeing Nick who pushed himself into the room wrapping his arms around me tightly. I wanted to feel safe in his arms but all I felt was disgust. I'd tried to claw off my own skin, the red angry scratch marks proved my hatred for the body I had. But it was all I had left. This was all I had left. Nothing. I had nothing. "It's okay, look you don't need to tell me what happened, but I'm here. And I'm, I'm not leaving. Not this time." Nick muttered against my ear sending shivers down my spine as I met his gaze my red puffy eyes swelling.

"Everyone always leaves, you won't be any different." I shared with him trying to pull away but he held my face softly, forcing on me the simple touch of someone who just wanted to help. I knew he would never hurt me. He was too good, too caring for that.

"Shoulda, woulda, Coulda, story of our life right? I'm not leaving. Come on, let's get you some coffee, stay in your bed, I'm making the coffee this time around." Nick teased lightly helping me onto my bed and I waited lying in there, left to my own thoughts that plagued me. I just knew tonight, I didn't want to be alone. As Nick walked back in sitting down, making the mattress dip caused me to reach out holding his hand.

"I don't want to be alone tonight." I whispered and Nick nodded rolling over placing the coffee down and meeting my gaze as he laid adjacent to me. His eyes never leaving mine as I drifted off to sleep it was easy. But haunted. Familiarity sprung in my chest as I was glad to have this unadulterated closeness. I realise, I couldn't be close with someone. I refused to be close with someone. It would mean nothing in the end of everything anyway. It always meant nothing. Baseless. 

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