CHAPTER 5:"I was always there, I was just hungry."

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In the early morning, standing next to Alicia with my morning spiked coffee, I found I rather needed it as I sat on the railing as Alicia looked out into the distance

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In the early morning, standing next to Alicia with my morning spiked coffee, I found I rather needed it as I sat on the railing as Alicia looked out into the distance. "We should do bird watching, you know make a list of every bird we see at sea." Alicia commented looking around the ocean.

"It would get boring after a while, seagull, seagull, eagle, the occasional migrating swarm of gooses. I doubt it would be interesting to say the least." I chimed in taking a sip of my coffee making Alicia roll her eyes.

"Your cynicism is annoying. You are a lot nicer after 2 in the afternoon." Alicia pointed out dryly looking out into the distance on the coast line. "Holy shit" She exclaimed looking through the binoculars. I turn to her lazily glad to at least be talking to her, especially after all I had done. It was a long three years without her as a friend. She handed me the binoculars and pointed to a place in the distance. Looking to where she pointed my eyes then snapped back to her.

"I believe holy shit just about covers it." I mutter as she ran off to Maddison and I turned on the railing rushing after her knocking back the rest of my drink.

"Mum, Mum." Alicia repeated running over to Maddison.

"Alicia." Maddison breathed out.

"I know you not running on my deck." Strand called out scolding us as he hurled fishing equipment up. Strand sometimes seemed young and vibrant and cunning others he seemed about 60 years old and in desperate need of a pension.

"Jesus seriously?" Alicia asked.

"What are you 100 years old Grampa?" I rhetorically asked him with a sigh as Maddison showed up.

"Look over there, do you see it?" Alicia asked referring to the cliff full of suitcases.

"It's luggage, probably from a crash." I informed Maddison who removed the binoculars from her eyes.

"Holy shit" Maddison shared and I chuckled keeping my eyes on her.

"We had the same reaction." I informed her with a small smirk as Nick reached out to go and see where Alicia was pointing to.

"We need supplies." Alicia pointed out.

"Alicia no." Maddison shook her head not liking the idea.

"We're running low Ms Clark. She's right." I pointed out with a sigh just in desperate need to get off this boat, to feel solid, unswaying ground and to just find some sunglasses, hell maybe even some designer clothes. I needed something of wealth and value. I needed to go shopping.

"I've been watching, there is no infected, no one there. All that stuff is just lying there." Alicia pointed out making a good point as Nick kept his eyes on the place.

"There is infected in the water." Maddison pointed out.

"We're not going to swim." Alicia snarked annoyed with her mother's reluctance.

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