CHAPTER 17:"That has yet to be determine..."

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My eyes scanned the little Hick town ranch around me. I'd been put in the same house with my brother. My father however had another room. That was a good thing too, I tried to keep it at bay, tried to remain calm but nothing inside of me could stop this burning hatred. I needed to feel something other than that. I needed to be stronger than this. But this place looked like it was filled with friendly people. I wouldn't be able to get along with this as much as I should have. I never would have. I found myself sitting with these people, listening to their sob stories. "I was in the dining room, dry canning some beans, when an angel fell from the damn sky and crashed in my backyard, I screamed and ran out there, and there she was, only 12. Holding onto a giant lawn umbrella, she'd jumped off the roof, thought the thing would hold her. She broke her arm in two places but never cried. Charlene embodies the spirit of this place. And always ready, never quit, get it right this time spirit and she would have...if she wasn't risking her life for the unprepared." The mother grit through her teeth, narrowing her eyes, settling on Maddison and her family. I guess I felt like I'd dodged a bullet there, being family with my father and Ethan. They didn't see me as an outsider, not really.

"Hello, I just wanted to introduce my family, I'm Maddison Clark and these are my children, Nick and Alicia, we wanted to offer our condolences for Charlene...for the others you lost. We've lost loved ones too. Travis...Travis he was out compass and he-we just wanted to say thank you for sheltering us and for your generosity. We will repay him." Maddison spoke up, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her need to speak up, voice everything. Sometimes it was just better to stay silent. I'd done it most my life and it never bothered anyone, never really.

"Thank you, we've all lost, we share that. Grieving is hard but it's important that we process it," Jake tried shakily, not good with these but trying anyone. He was kind, I'd observed, completely out of his realm in this world. The good people didn't last.

"It's more important to prepare. There is a time and place for mourning and Patty is owed that but who brought down the helicopter?" One of the men in the crowd demanded to know riling up the crowd. I cast a glance over to Ethan who sat next to me, unsure of it he should do something, knowing his place was not to speak up but also knowing he couldn't leave his men out there to dry, Jake being his men.

"We aim to find out very soon-"Jake fumbled but was quickly cut off.

"When? What's your timeline?" The man demanded to know.

"Nothing has changed Vernon, we're in a war time posture, we've tasked alpha station to check out the crash site, when we know what we're dealing with we'll act. If it's some wingnut we'll act. If it's a larger challenge we'll act." Jeremiah tried to defuse the unrest making Ethan's tense body relax slightly but tensed again upon hearing Troy speak up.

"Payback Vernon, that's what my father means. Whatever the threat is, large or small we will make them pay." Troy shouted to the crowd knowing they'd agree, irrational in their sorrow.

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