CHAPTER 4:"But isn't this part kind of depressing?"

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Two days later, we'd been floating by for what seemed a long time

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Two days later, we'd been floating by for what seemed a long time. I tried to relax but I quickly found burning your flesh for a bronze look, like a slow roast, you quickly lost interest and wanted to do something else. I worked on some music. I figured the lack of anything interesting to do would help me focus on my work but I was quickly wrong. I played what I knew, and got annoyed at what I couldn't make up. It was easier for the musicians at the beginning of the music's time, they never had anything to live up to, nothing new to create for everything they created was new and unexplored. I allowed myself to bathe in a bath for a while before I was called out of the bathroom by Nick who wanted to take a shower. Growling I had never had to share a bathroom before. Even in university, I had an on-suite inbuilt into my bedroom, my fathers money could really get me anything. Wrapping the towel around me I shoved the door open expecting Chris or Alicia or even Ofelia who apparently had the smallest bladder known to man. But instead I was face to face with none other than Nick. The source of my addiction.

I tried to move away from him, but I found myself unable to move, unable to tear my eyes away from his, as I felt the slow drops of water running down my thigh and chest. I wanted him to move, I wanted to retreat into a corner and never come back out again. But this wasn't a silly little high school crush. I'd been with him, I knew him, my naivety when it came to this surprised even me as I felt myself long for his touch even if it would come to haunt me the next day. I quickly brushed past him once we heard Chris walking through the hallways. I slammed my door shut drawing in a deep breath as I began to place my clothes on. Once I had done so and napped, something I'd barely done since this whole thing happened it was night fall. I was being called off the boat. Something had happened. I jumped off the boat, my boots clanking on the ground as I followed everyone down the docks and into the town. I followed at the end of the line as we walked up to the house.

"Someone's home." Travis called out.

"Because the light that led you here wasn't any indication to life." I snarked with a heavy sigh as I made it up the stairs.

"Do you see anything?" Maddison asked as we walked further in. I refrained from my comment knowing I'd only get into trouble. Travis began

"We know you're in there, we're not sick we just need help." Travis shouted looking around at put.

"Harry, Harry." An old man shouted running after a young boy. "Get back here." The man ushered his son inside as if we had some infectious disease. I guess we all did to some extent, that disease was called death and whatever the hell came after it. I don't think I'd ever get used to being treated this way. As if there was something wrong with me. "Sorry he's excited to see people, it's been a while."

"We just saw your light come on, we were on the water." Maddison informed the man gesturing to the ocean. A frown set in its place on my face. I had a bad feeling about this family.

"That was an accident." The man drawled out.

"Travis, Travis Mawina." The man introduced himself holding out his hand and shaking the hands hand.

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