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"I don't want to lose you Stephan." I can barely get the words out. I keep choking on my tears. He holds me tighter into him. "Mon amour you won't lose me. But I need to know that I'm not second choice." He pulls my face back from his neck and looks deep into my eyes. "I want to give you the world. But mon amour you need to want to give me all of you. I know right now you can't do that. I understand I do. So I think you should go back to New York and figure out if it's me you want or him."

I throw my lips against his. I was kissing him like it was going to be our last kiss. He stands up with my legs still wrapped around his waist. He walks over to the bed lays me down, breaks the kiss, climbs behind me, and wraps his arm around my waist pulling my back tight against his chest. "Mon amour as much as I want to make love to you I can't until I have all of your heart." I could hear the sadness in his voice and part of me broke. But I know he's right. I need to figure out my heart. I turn over so I'm looking into those beautiful blue green eyes. "Stephan you do have my heart." I say trying to reassure him. "But I don't have all of it. I want it all or nothing mon amour." 

I lay in his arms and drift off to sleep. After what I'm sure was a couple hours I wake up and Stephan isn't in the bed. A rush of panic runs over my body. I jump out of bed and run into the living room and he's not there. I try to fight back the tears and the feeling that he left me. I run to my room to find my phone. Then I hear water moving around in the bathroom. I take a deep breath and slowly open the door. There he is. His body naked in the tub. He looks up at me with this devilish look. "Why don't you join me mon amour?" What game is he playing here? "I thought you didn't want to do anything with me right now?" I say looking at him with skeptical eyes. "I just want to feel your skin on mine. I want to feel close to you without having sex mon amour." He reaches out his hand for me to take it. "Unless you can't control yourself." Without a second thought I take off my black bra and slid my thong all the way down. I took his hand and stepped into the tub. 

I laid back on his chest and he rested his chin on the top of my head, and placing soft kisses every now and then

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I laid back on his chest and he rested his chin on the top of my head, and placing soft kisses every now and then. "Mon amour I want you to know how much you are changing me." I flip over so my naked chest is pressed on his and I look up at him. "What do you mean?" I ask trying to ignore how hard he got when I twisted my body over him. I could tell he was trying to ignore it too because his breath caught in his throat. After he composed himself, well the best he could since his hardness is pressed against my sensitive part with the tip only millimeters away from my opening that is begging for him to enter. "I told you I've never been in love and never had a serious relationship. But with you. I want to dive deep and never let you go." I slid forward and kissed him gently and slide back down fully aware that I slid down just enough for him to be resting with the tip of him resting just slightly inside my opening. Just enough for him to feel me. I watched his eyes close as he was fighting with himself  "You have opening me up more then I thought possible after what I went through. I didn't think I deserved anything more then what I had. You have shown me that I deserve more. So thank you for that mon frenchie." He got a big smile when I called him my frenchie. He wrapped his arms around me and I don't know if it was intentional or not but when he did that it pushed me down on his tip and pushed him inside me a little more.

The Different Shades of Love {WATTYS 2018}Where stories live. Discover now