Chapter 16

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I quickly look up flights leaving Paris and I find one leaving in four hours which will get me to JFK by 11 am. I book the flight and starting packing right away. Luckily since I still have my apartment in New York I don't have to take much. I can feel my anxiety building as I think about mon amour in another man's bed, even if it is alone. I know this may seem hasty but this woman makes me crazy. She has turned me into a man I didn't even know I could be. 

As soon as I make sure I have everything I need I leave a note for my parents.

Mama Papa,

I know I said I'd watch the house but there's a girl that has captured my heart. She went back to New York and I have to go after her. You guys always told me that if I ever found the girl that makes me become the man I didn't know was in there, to never let her get away. Well Mama and Papa I found her and now I'm going to fight for her. I hope you guys understand. The vines will be fine until you get home. I love you guys. 

Your loving son

A/N He wrote the note in French but I didn't think you guys wanted to read the French and English with how long it was.

I walked out the door threw my bags in my trunk and drove so fast to the airport. Luckily since it's 5 am there isn't much traffic. I should have just gone with her. I shouldn't have let her go. I won't ever forgive myself if I lose her because I'm a dumb ass for letting her get away. I just said that to that Lucas ass and I still did it. Now how am I going to surprise her? 


I woke up feeling refreshed but in a daze. I almost forgot where I was. I rolled on my back and stretched out and noticed Luke wasn't in bed. I walk to the bathroom and splash water on my face and rinse my mouth out. Damn it will be nice to go home today. I miss my house. 

I walk into the living room and see Lucas sleeping on the couch. Part of me was happy that he slept out there especially after what happened. I can't do that again. Not to Stephan and not to myself. I walk into the kitchen and see coffee ready to be brewed and a cup sitting out for me. One thing I have to say about these guys. They understand that I need coffee running through my veins to survive. 

I'm just standing there in a daze watching the coffee brew when Luke comes up behind me, moves my hair off my neck, and places a soft kiss on my neck while wrapping his arms around my waist. "Good morning beautiful." I turn towards him give him a hug "Good morning Luke." He kisses me before stepping back. "I have something planned for us today if you are game." Now I'm intrigued. "What do you have planned?" He starts walking out of the kitchen completely ignoring my question. "Whatever." I say while rolling my eyes. 

After the coffee brews and I down a cup, I go to find Luke. I walk into his bedroom and he's not in there so I assume he's in his studio. I decide I need a shower and hope that I don't walk out to the same situation I did last time. I walk in and there's Luke naked drying off. I see him and all his beautiful glory. My eyes start at his beautiful arms with one having the tribal half sleeve tattoo.

 My eyes start at his beautiful arms with one having the tribal half sleeve tattoo

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