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The day was normal, as normal as it could be in a camp full of Demigods. The children were finally starting to heal from the war. Smiles were being shared more, laughs could be heard echoing. Everything seemed to be getting better. 

Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter were working together. Nothing life threatening was happing. 

Percy and Annabeth were loving it. 

However, not everything can go back to normal after something as life altering as a war. 

Chiron knew this. He knew that the Demigods, if something else was-gods forbid-to happen . . . They might need a new ally. Now that the Greeks had the Romans as backup, no one thought that they would possible need more fighters. Expect Chiron. 

The new found relationship between the Greeks and Romans wasn't something that the old centaur was going to bet on. Of course he wanted them to be happy, to make it together, but old habits die hard. 

That's what had him calling two of his most trusted campers into the Big House. 

The two teens sitting on the couch now were the best of the best, in his opinion. Annabeth, with her high pony tail of golden curls and grey eyes that could strip you bare and lay out all of your deepest secrets. And Percy, his powers and intuition-a loyalty that couldn't be swayed and a passion to protect. He had watched the two grow and change, growing together as well. 

Percy had an arm around Annabeth's shoulders as the blonde leaned into his side. Neither of them knew why they were summoned to the Big House, a satyr had just come up to the couple as the taught a class and said Chiron wanted to see them. 

Both of the teens waited for the old centaur to start explaining why they were there. They hoped it wasn't bad news, or a time-limited quest. 

"My children, I have something to discus with you." Chiron started. He sighed as he picked a bit of dust off of his jacket and continued. "This isn't a quest, there is no rush of time, nor a god wanting something done." Percy nor Annabeth relaxed at the assurance, keeping their posture casual but their minds alert. 

"So why have you call us here, without the others?" Annabeth questioned. It was strange to be the only two talking with Chiron, usually if it was important he called all the head counselors. 

Chiron ran a hand over his face. "Because, my children, I have a favor to ask of you." The centaur's shoulders slumped a bit. "First let me tell you something, no one else of our realm knows." Annabeth's and Percy's ears pricked up at the words, the start to a sentence that could shock them to their cores or be simply something they already knew-like the fact Egyptian or Norse gods existed too. 

"There is a kind called Wizards. They are descendants of humans that Hecate blessed, for some reason or another." Chiron watched the couple for their reactions, but the two just sat there. "Some of there kind are called "Muggle Born" they simply haven't had a Witch or Wizard in their family for a few generations. But anyways, these people have schools all over the world-but one in particular is praised above all others: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Chiron took a breath. 

"The students of Hogwarts, amongst some others through out the UK, have had wars. Two to be exact." He bit his lip. "But neither of them were very recently." Annabeth's eyebrows knotted together. "In any case, I wish to send you to this school. Just for a year-as transfer students. To see if they would make good allies in future times should we need them." 

"Chiron," Percy started. "why would we need any other help?" Now his heart raced, no they couldn't already be in danger. 

"It's simply a precaution, my child." Chiron assured him. "If you were to accept, you would be sent back in time-to the year after their last Wizarding War, to test them. See if they could help us, or if they would just be in more danger." 

There was a pause of silence. 

"Lady Hecate has said that you, without any blessing or spell, could do the type of magic that they do. They use wands, to channel the power into casting spells, charms, jinxes, and hexes. You already, because of your godly parents, posses such magical abilities." Chiron kept going. "You would just need wands to do this. However, Lady Hecate, says that she would be willing to cast a charm on you to allow you to know as much as any students would know going into their seventh year."

"Why?" Percy asked. "Why would she help us?"

"Because the Wizards and Witches are dear to her, and she would like to protect them. She thinks that letting you two go in and assess the situation would help." Chiron's eyes darkened though, like he didn't completely trust Hecate's reasons either. 

"How long would this last?" Annabeth questioned as she chewed the inside of her cheek. 

"You would be there as long as you see fit, if you want to stay the whole school year than do that. if you come to a conclusion and think that no amount of time will change it-then come home early." Chiron cleared up. "You will be given a special item that if you hold while saying a specific incantation, you will return here. No time will pass from when you leave to your return, for us." 

Percy glanced to Annabeth, and vise-versa. They didn't like the thought of going on another mission, but this seemed particular low-risk, and it would give them time away from Camp and Greek myths. "When would we leave, and what exactly are we to do when we get there? If we decide to go." Percy said carefully. 

"If you choose to go, then you will be teleported to a building called the Leaky Caldron. From there you will follow the instructions on this piece of parchment," Chiron handed Annabeth the letter. "Until it's time to go to school. You two will be undercover as two transfers from North America, it's unusual for them but that's the best we can do. You will be sorted into one of the Houses of the school-you'll learn all about that later. From there on you just scout, learn about them and make your judgement." 

It was a lot to take in. Percy's head was spinning with the information, Annabeth's was too but neither of them let that show. They had become cut off to others, besides each other. Not that they didn't trust Chiron, they did trust him, but it was hard to let anyone know what they were really thinking any more. 

"We'll do it." 

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