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The two Demigods were given two hours to get themselves ready to leave. Some people gave them looks, Travis and Conner even asked what was going on, but they just assured everyone that it was fine and that they'd be right back-that day even. 

And to the Campers, they would be. 

To Percy and Annabeth, however, it would most likely be a year's time. The couple went into Percy's cabin to get ready. Annabeth had her own drawer in here, as well as she spent most nights in Cabin Three. 

"What do you think?" Percy sighed as he sat down on the edge of his bed and ran a hand through his hair. His cabin was a lot tidier than normal, due to Annabeth making him clean it. But there were a few wrappers on the ground anyways. 

Annabeth shook her head as she rifled through the top drawer. "I don't know. First impressions are that Chiron isn't telling us something." She hated the words coming from her mouth but she knew they were true. "And that, while this isn't high-risk, we still have to be careful. The wizards can't know about us, unless we want them to." 

"That's what I was thinking." Percy stood up with a grunt and walked over to Annabeth. He wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her against him. "I don't like the thought of these 'four houses', we might be in different ones. Though I guess we'll be in the same school, so not too much to worry about." He placed his chin on Annabeth's shoulder and wrapped his other arm around her. 

Annabeth brought one hand up and buried it in Percy's hair. "Yeah . . . " She trailed off, words failed her-for once. She hated that they had to do something so soon, but to gain a year . . . That was what they were doing. They would gain a year together away from everyone, from the myths brought to life. 

"We could have that time back . . . " She murmured. Percy nodded his head against her neck, kissed where her neck met her shoulder. Annabeth's camp shirt and shorts wouldn't fit in when they went back into time. She had to change, so did Percy. A simple t-shirt and jeans would work. 

"Let's get dressed then get this over with. We'll need to get some regular clothes when we get there and we have other things to talk about with Chiron-" Annabeth was cut off by Percy's finger pressed to her lips. 

"We've got this Wise Girl, this has to be the easiest quest we've ever been sent on." His lips curled in a taunting smile. Annabeth grinned back and both of them got dressed. Percy, with some help from Annabeth, chose a plain black T-shirt and blue jeans. Annabeth slipped on a white tank-top, grey cardigan, and skinny jeans. The couple walked through camp with their hands entwined, all the way to the Big House. 

Chiron waited for them in the living room, along with a woman. Her black hair was cut right below her chin, eyes of pure black peered out of an alabaster white face. A pole cat perched on her black silk clad shoulder and wrapped around her neck. A simple black gown fell down to the ground shaping every curve. At her feet was a black dog, if a dog could pout it was. 

Lady Hecate. 

Neither Annabeth nor Percy bowed, they did dip their chins. Hecate looked them up and down and gave nothing away with her expression. "Young Demigods, I am here to cast the spells required for this Quest. That is the only help I shall give." Her voice was cold and misty, like a fog on a winter's day. 

Chiron cleared his throat before speaking. "My children, again, the spell will give you knowledge of the lessons others will already know. But I would suggest you go over the material when you can." He ran a hand over his beard and continued. "There is a bank account opened for you at Gringots, a local Wizard bank. Funded by your parents, you'll have plenty of money." 

Percy nodded, Annabeth only tightened her hold on Percy's hand. 

"Do you still have the letter?" Chiron asked Annabeth, who just nodded. "Well then, that's all." 

Hecate floated over to the teens and a cold smile appeared on her face. "Ready?" She didn't wait for a reply, she waved her hand and they vanished. 

Percy's and Annabeth's vision swimmed, dancing with light and dark. Their stomachs flipped and churned, but stopped. They landed, on a side walk. It was dark out, lights from shops and candle type lamps danced over cobble stone. 

The whole place had a mythical feeling, but the good mythical not the trying to kill you mythical. 

Percy and Annabeth moved closer, eyeing the area. The Leaky Cauldron was right behind them, where they were supposed to get a room. Percy opened the door, Annabeth walked through. The atmosphere inside was dusty but warm, shabby but cozy. 

Annabeth walked up to the bar, Percy right behind her. "We need to get a room?" She questioned with a polite smile on her face. The man behind the bar smiled back. The two teens got their room key and headed upstairs. 

Once they got to their room Annabeth and Percy took inventory. Supposedly they had an object that could take them back. Percy patted down his pockets but Annabeth saw it. A necklace around Percy's neck that had a sliver symbol of Olympus on it. Clever. Annabeth sat on the bed and opened the letter. 

Percy sat down beside her and peered over her shoulder. 

"Apparently we just wait here until tomorrow morning, then go buy these things." Annabeth pointed to the list of supplies. "We have a week here before we have to follow these directions to get to the Hogwarts Express." She squinted trying to read it through her dyslexia. "We can use that week to do whatever we want, it was to give us some wiggle room, I guess." 

She folded the letter back up. Percy placed it on the night stand for her. 

Annabeth took her sweater off as Percy walked around the room. A bag was sat on the dresser, with a note. It simply said 'From Chiron'. Inside was different clothes. Percy started putting everything away-Annabeth was scoping the rest of the room. 

Percy changed into a pair of sweat pants and crawled into bed. Annabeth pulled on one of Percy's shirts, and a pair of her own shorts. The couple curled up together and let sleep drag them into the next day. 

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