-}{- Nine -}{-

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It took only a few days to get their message to the right person. 

On Wednesday Percy and Annabeth made their way to the transfiguration room.  

"Come in, come in." A higher pitched voice trilled from inside. So the couple entered, tipping their heads to the Headmistress. "What did you want to see me about?" She asked, her black hair was streaked with grey and pulled back into a tight bun. Her drawn face was stern but a faint smile played on her lips. 

Percy let Annabeth speak first. "Professor McGonagall, we couldn't help but notice that at this school you do not teach physical defense." The older Witch paused at the blonde's words. And what she could possibly be getting at. "We were wondering, why that is." 

"There is simply not a reason for it. We have magic don't we?" She teased, as if this was a well known reason that was just plain fact. 

"With all due respect ma'am," Percy cut in, with a disarmingly charming smile, a little crooked and troublemaking, but honest and kind. "your students need more than that." McGonagall fully stopped, her brow furrowing. "At our school we learned both. And we were just thinking, with everything you guys have been through, wouldn't it be nice to have a backup for if your wand is lost or taken or just breaks?" 

A slow blink was the only shock the teacher would show. 

Percy continued, using that charm of his. "Lessons for self defense can be a great way for people to bond, and it seems that your students could use a little bit of inter-house love." He chuckled, angling his head and shrugging. 

"That is true." McGonagall pressed her lips together, casting her eyes to the floor to think. "I don't know who I could have teach such a class." 

"What if I said, we could?" Percy smiled again. "Just for this year, so you can find someone that can hold up to the standers of your amazing school." He let the sweetened words drip from his tongue. They were true but . . . He had to make sure she would approve this. Sucking up, pouring kind complements to the school they all took such pride in, in with their suggestions was the only way she wouldn't take offense and throw them into detention. 

"I suppose . . . We do have some times . . . Yes it could work." She mused, blinking. "I'll get back to you by the end of the week?" Percy and Annabeth smiled once more, then left with a wave. 

"You have her wrapped around your finger." Annabeth chuckled as they breezed down the hall. 

"It's the fact that we are two of the best students she has. We listen and can actually do the spells she wants us to." Percy sniggered. "For people who rely so heavily on magic, they don't have many skilled among them." His smile was teasing and Annabeth covered her mouth. 

Percy slung his arm over his girlfriend's shoulders as they walked towards the Great Hall. 

"If she lets us, we'll need to work out some sort of curriculum." Annabeth muttered to herself, tapping her chin as she let her eyes glaze over. "And we can't go as hard on them as we were gotten on to, it would kill them." She let out a huff of breath. 

"That's true." Percy raised his eyebrows and smirked. 

"We'll figure it out." Annabeth let out a breath. 

With a smile Percy pulled her into a small alcove of the hall. No one around, all doing different things. He brushed his fingered down Annabeth's temple, her eyes fluttering closed as she lifted her hand to his. Percy's thumb brushed over Annabeth's lips. 

They had no time to just be with each other. Not anymore. 

Their lips brushed, soft and needing, but heavy footfalls broke them apart. 

They didn't pull apart very far, but enough to scan the area. 

Around the corner, walked Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood. The red head was reading a book as the blonde blabbered on about something. 

Percy leaned against the wall, Annabeth doing the same but the opposite wall, and they waited for the two to notice them. "Oh, hello Annabeth," Breezed Luna. Her turnip earrings shifting as her head swayed. 

"Oh!" Ginny went all red as she noticed the couple, biting her lip. But something flashed in her eyes, like hurt. It was gone in a moment, but it was there long enough for the couple to read it. "Sorry you two, we were just talking and walking." She made to pull Luna away, but Percy chuckled. 

"Why don't we hang out?" He asked. "The library should be pretty empty this time. Plus I've heard so much about both of you, it'd be a shame to never speak." He leaned against the wall, using his arm to hold himself up next to his head. Annabeth had her arms crossed and leaned on the opposing wall. 

She knew what Percy was doing. 

Making friends, getting more good things about them going around, so when they finally got to teach the class . . . The others would listen. 

She loved sitting back and watching how his brain worked sometimes. 

"Sure Percy." The red head laughed nervously. "Why not?"

And when her boyfriend smirked, she knew that wasn't his only goal. Percy wanted to get close to Ginny to get close to Harry. To use Ginny to get a feel for the 'Boy Who Lived'. And he saw the same things in the youngest Weasley that Annabeth did, they both saw a fighter. 

And a damned good one at that. 

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