-}{- Four -}{-

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Waking up, Percy and Annabeth had to realize where they were. It only took a minute, but it was enough for Annabeth's heart rate to pick up. Percy pulled her down, back into the bed, back to him. 

"Hey Wise Girl." Percy smiled at his girlfriend, pulling her to his chest and tucking her into his side. His black hair spilled over his eyes that were still closed, his tan chest rising and falling calmly. Annabeth placed her head on Percy's chest and tucked her arms between them. 

Annabeth's breathing calmed as she remembered where she was, who she was with. "Hey Seaweed Brain." She murmured, letting Percy's frame swallow her own and let her eyes drift shut again. "We have a lot to do today, but to start we should get trunks to take to Hogwarts." 

"Yeah . . ." Percy agreed but made no move to get up. He only looped his arm around Annabeth's waist and buried his other hand in her hair. Annabeth tipped her chin up and looked at Percy while she place one hand on his cheek. 

"Come on Perce, we got to go." She chuckled. Percy frowned but sighed. Annabeth started to get up, but Percy hooks his arms around her waist and pulled her into his lap. "Percy!" Annabeth scolded, but the edge was gone due to the giggles sounding from her. 

Percy kissed Annabeth's neck and trailed up. Annabeth bit her lip then pinch Percy's arm, not hard enough to hurt, but to let him know he wasn't fooling her. "We have plenty of time later, right now we need to get things." 

The couple finally got out of bed and started to get around. Annabeth grabbed her clothes and made for the small bathroom attached to their room. Percy dug through the drawers for his own clothes. 

Grey crop sweater, black leggings, and grey ankle boots is what Annabeth decided on. Percy just threw on a pair of blue jeans, and a green V-neck long-sleeved shirt. Both had figured that, with the area, weapons didn't need to adorn them-though Riptide was a welcomed comfort for them both. 

With that done, they headed out-making sure to tell the owner that they would pay at the end of the day for the whole week. 

A trip into the bank had both Percy and Annabeth a bit nervous. Neither, understandably, couldn't deal with underground much. But they had each other . . . that's all that mattered to them. 

First they got trunks: Annabeth went with a dark grey wood with sliver framing. Percy got one with a black wood and sliver frame work. Similar but not exactly the same. 

After that they filled the trunks with books they needed, cauldrons, potion ingredients, other things that the list told them to get. They got some looks from others, but the couple just waved it off. They didn't need to explain to anyone what was happening, according to the letter the Hogwarts Headmistress knew they were coming and that was enough.  

Their trunks were brought back to the Leaky Cauldron for them, apparently, leaving them with the few remaining tasks. 

Wands, robes, and checking out the pets. 

Robes was easy, at least they thought. Annabeth and Percy walked into the small shop, all smiles and greetings. The lady asked them questions while she pinned the robes for Annabeth. "Why, I don't remember you two. Are you new?" The word seemed foreign, strange, like it was a completely weird idea. 

"We transferred to Hogwarts." Annabeth supplied as the lady measured and pinned. "We moved here because of our parents, our schooling isn't finished. It's weird I know, but hey, we're here." She smiled and the lady's fears seemed to dissipate, though her questions and fear were very well place for people healing from a war. 

Percy leaned against the wall, eyeing everything. Watching, listening, making sure everything was safe-not just for him but for Annabeth. Annabeth was fiddling with her fingers, trying to put a lid on her ADHD. Her boyfriend smiled softly as he handed her the pen from his jacket pocket, she thanked him and started twirling the pen through her fingers. 

Once she was done she pecked him on the cheek before he got on the stood for the woman. 

A while later they were walking to a pet shop. Annabeth was the only one to go inside, due to the large amount of owls glaring at Percy through the window. They had decide to get an owl, just so if they needed to carry a letter or something somewhere, they could without using an owl that someone else could get away with messing with. It was paranoia, plain and simple, but they couldn't find enough reasons to not listen to their guts. 

After the owl was sent to their room, the couple went to get wands. 

The shop was small and dusty, wand boxes piled on countless shelves. The lights from the window and candles scattered around made light bend and move, casting shadows amongst everything. The old man who worked himself to the front from the shelves introduced himself as Mr. Ollivander. 

He owned the shop, had for his whole adult life. His grey hair was frizzy and a particular type of fear glittered in his eyes. Percy and Annabeth spoke quietly with the man, knowing exactly what had put the fear there. 

"Hello there." Annabeth turned on the charm as Percy scoped out the scope for the tenth time. "We are new to Hogwarts this year, circumstances are too complicated to get into right now." She laughed it off and Mr. Ollivander seemed to loosen up. "But we heard that the wands made by you are the best, and it just so happens that both our wands have recently broken." She rubbed the back of her neck, exposed because of the high ponytail she wore. "So we were hoping to be matched up today." Her finishing smile sealed the deal, Ollivander was completely wrapped around her finger. Percy showed his approval at his girlfriend's work but running a hand on the small of her back. 

"Well I'm sure it will be no problem to match a wand with you two." The old man smiled and for a moment the fear left his eyes, he was just a wand maker again. The old man flitted to the back, pulling box after box. First Annabeth tried a Walnut wand with Unicorn Hair core, Ollivander snatched it out of her hand. Wand after wand she tried. 

Hornbeam and Walnut seemed to be a favorite of Ollivander for Annabeth to try. 

"Walnut, Phoenix Feather core, 12 1/3 inches, Unyielding Flexibly." Ollivander bit his lip as he handed the wand to Annabeth. The dark wood wand was carved intricately, pretty but sturdy. Annabeth flicked her wrist, a ribbon of sliver light floated out and twirls in the air before disappearing. Ollivander clapped and smiled, he was loving this. The hard it was to find a wand, it seemed, the better. 

He turned to Percy with a grin, eyed the boy up and down, then marched to the back. He pulled out even more wands and had a spark to his eyes as he came back. It started all over as Percy tried wand after wand, with muttering inputs from the wand maker. 

Finally, when Ollivander had laughed and trusted a box towards Percy, it must have been the fiftieth, something happened. Percy swished the wand and a spark of blue light flared from the end. "Ah-ha!" Ollivander cried out and grinned further. "Cedar wood, Phoenix Feather core, 13 inches, Slightly Yielding." He clapped his hand together and cleared away the other boxes. 

"You two are very interesting. Two phoenix feathers gone in one day . . . " He mused with a smile. "Welcome back anytime." He waved them out as the finished getting checked out. 

The couple paid for the whole week they'd be there and headed back up to their room. Percy and Annabeth decided that going through the books couldn't hurt, so they started the slow proses of going through the different books and practicing different charms and spells. 

They'd be ready when the week ended, they'd make sure of it. 

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