-}{- Eleven -}{-

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Training was slow. 

Percy and Annabeth were having the most trouble with the Seventh years, though. A few of them were jumping at the chance: Ginny, Neville, Luna, a few others. 

However, some where dragging their feet. Harry, Ron, and surprisingly Hermione. She had been all for it at the start, but once Annabeth had told her to run an extra lap for mouthing off about not being able to do the "girl version" of push-ups, she had started pouting. 

Like a child. 

That's how most of the students acted. Like children that had been scolded and didn't think it was fair. 

Especially the Slytherins and Gryffindors, not working well with each other and barely standing the other houses. Percy had to break up three, rather pathetic attempts at, fights already and they were only two weeks in. 

Ginny was the top of the class, if they were giving ranks out. And everyone knew it. 

Harry seemed a bit ruffled that his girlfriend was gaining so much ground. Hermione just rolled her eyes as the redhead lapped her. Ron just sighed as he leaned against the wall for support. 

Annabeth tapped her chin while eyeing the kids finishing the warm up laps. "They still won't bond with anyone outside of their houses. They think they don't need anyone but those wearing their colors." Her voice was low and quiet, only Percy standing beside her could hear. 

"We need to do something about that." Percy grinned. "And I have an idea." He looked over at his girlfriend and found her grinning too. He slung an arm around her shoulders and stared to whisper his plan in her ear. 

Harry hissed out a breath, bent over and sweaty. Ginny's breathing was heavy, but controlled. She watched her instructors, so close together and laughing, then looked back at Harry. "How are you feeling?" She asked gently. 

He rolled his eyes and trying to stand up straight. "Like Percy and Annabeth are going to be the death of me." He spat, glaring at the couple giggling to each other. "They aren't even doing everything they're making us do!" He cried, throwing his hands up and holding in a snarl. 

"Because it doesn't wind them." Ginny rolled her eyes. 

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean that they don't run during this class, but they do in every other one of their classes." She fixed her ponytail and crossed her arms. "They just don't think they should have to run beside us and hold our hands. They're the same age as us, Harry." 

Harry rolled his eyes again, Ron stumbled up to them, Hermione on his tail. "I . . . bloody hate . . . this." He panted, Hermione slumped against the wall and Ron joined her. "How you holding up, Mate?" He nudged Harry with his foot. 

The black haired boy sat down, hard, and sighed. A hand ran through his hair and he hung his head between his knees and wiped at the back of his neck. "Not good, you?" 

"Same here." Ron panted out, Hermione leaned against his shoulder, he seemed to fight a whimper at the pressure. Barely able to hold himself up, let alone another person. "Hermione, what about you?" 

Her brown hair was pulled back into a high ponytail, but strands stuck to her forehead and the back of her neck. "I hate them." She wheezed. 

Ginny frowned at her friends. "You guys are such children." She mumbled to herself, but the three heard it. "I'm going to talk to Luna and Neville." She rolled her eyes again before storming off.  

"What's eating at her?" Ron hissed, running a hand over his forehead. 

"She likes them, thinks they're the best thing since sliced bread." Harry spat. The boy stretched out his legs and laid back, groaning. 

"Poor her." Hermione sniggered. 

"Indeed-" Harry was cut off by a loud clap. 

"We didn't tell you to take naps." Annabeth stated, both eyebrows raised and a slight frown on her face. "You can take a break, but no laying down or sitting. Leaning against a wall I can understand, but it's lazy to do all that." She motioned to the group of people sitting around. 

"All those who sat down, or laid down," Percy continued for his girlfriend. "just earned themselves fifteen sit-ups." Harry didn't hide his glare, and Percy only smiled back. 

Training was hell, that was true. But Percy and Annabeth could make it a lot worse. That's what Harry realized, as he joined the others for their punishment. And he thought, that might very well be the death of him. 

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