-}{- Six -}{-

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When the train neared the school, everyone started to get dressed. Ginny and Hermione filed out to go dress with other girls. Harry and Ron also left when they saw Annabeth made no move to leave. 

Percy pulled off his shirt and slipped on the white button up that was regulation, followed by the grey vest, he tied his black tie-that he would have until he got sorted, and changed into the black dress pants. Behind him, Annabeth did the same. She had opted for pants as well, better for running if anything happened, plus she just didn't like skirts. 

Both of them left the top buttons of their shirts undone, and their ties a bit loose. Why be so formal when they had so long to go until they needed to be? Annabeth pulled her hair up into a pony tail as Percy folded his sleeves back. His girlfriend kept her sleeves down, saying it was more work later on to roll them down. 

The other teens came back into the compartment and tried to hide their gawking. Ron and Harry focused on anything besides Annabeth, whos robes were folded up and setting on Percy's beside them in the seat. Hermione was red in the face as she grasped her wand and trained her eyes on her feet, Ginny snuck glances at Percy but bit her lip and looked away. Percy was twirling his wand in one hand as Annabeth sat in his lap and played with his hair. 

Squealing breaks told the kids when the train had arrived. Annabeth pulled on her robes as Percy unrolled his sleeves and followed her lead. "You leave your things on the train." Harry mumbled on his way out. Percy nodded and he and his girlfriend made their way off the train. 

A gruff voice called out for first years and transfers. Percy and Annabeth made their way over. A huge man helped the first years into boats to cross the lake. His name was Hagrid, they recalled from the depths of their minds, a half-giant and teacher/Keeper of the Keys at Hogwarts. The spell that Hecate had cast had left the information in their minds, like memories that just needed recalling. 

Annabeth and Percy loaded into a boat. The blonde started rambling about the castle's architecture when it came into view from the fog, and her boyfriend just urged the boats a little faster. He loved hearing her nerd out, but right now he just wanted to get the Sorting over with. 

A stern looking woman greeted the group of students before they entered the main hall. Her name was McGonagall, and she was the Headmistress. She told Percy and Annabeth they would be sorted last, after all the first years, so that she could have a chance to explain. 

And so they walked into the Great Hall, the demigods scoped out every detail. The colored banners above the tables, the table in the front with teachers, what teachers sat there, the ceiling that had been enchanted to look like the night sky. Percy let his eyes wander over the crowd, who seemed confused at his and his girlfriend's presence. Understandable. 

A ratty hat on a stool, The Sorting Hat, sung about the houses and the rivalry between them. The voice was eerie and sent chills down Annabeth's spine, even as she didn't move, not letting anyone know. But Percy brushed his knuckles over hers, letting her know he knew and it was fine.   

The first years all got sorted, running over to tables that had less people than what they usually held. 

McGonagall stepped forward. "This year we have two transfers from America." She gestured to Percy and Annabeth, shoulder to shoulder in front of the platform. "We now shall sort them." She stepped back and called out, "Chase, Annabeth." 

Annabeth marched up the few steps to the stool. McGonagall placed the hat on her head, it seemed to recoil but settled anyways. 

In Annabeth's head the hat purred, Oh . . . you are unusual. What are you? Images flashed through her mind, pieces of her memory, like it was on fast-forward but the Hat was pausing. Ahh I see . . . It's been quite some time since I've seen one of your kind. She didn't even know, however, what made her magic extra powerful. 

Annabeth tried to not flinch as images of the things that haunted her nightmares flickered by. The hat seemed to go quiet. Oh you poor thing . . . The hat whimpered. Him too? Oh I have to be on his head next? You're mind is so sharp, seeing as who your mother is-that isn't surprising. The words in her head were soft, as soothing as the hat probably could be. You do have pride, and you are cunning . . . oh but I think you'll do nicely in . . . RAVENCLAW!" The hat shouted the last word out for all to hear. 

The blonde stood from the stool, and calmly walked over to the blue and bronze table. Her posture was relaxed, nothing tense about her. But Percy saw the sweat on her temple, the slight paling of her face, the way she clenched and unclenched her fists at her sides. 

"Jackson, Percy." McGonagall's voice cut off the applause from the Ravenclaws. Percy stepped up and let the Hat be lowered over his eyes. 

Hello, The hat whispered into Percy's head. You are the other one, the other like the last girl. Don't worry, your secret is safe with this old hat. If a hat could laugh it was. I will take a quick look into your past, I won't go too deep. It assured Percy, as it started to flick through his memories. Dear god . . . you both . . . Cunning, Brave, Smart, Hard Working . . . all of it. But I don't care about traits, what do you value?

Percy tried not to wince as his memories passed by, reminding him. 

Oh you value all the right things for . . . HUFFLEPUFF! The hat decided. The black haired boy stood up once the hat was taken off his head. He moved toward the yellow and black colored table, the cheering, even as he fought to get a hold on his breathing and tried to calm himself. He glanced to his girlfriend, sitting with kids with blue ties on. She nodded, and gave a small smile. 

It would be okay, they were here together. So through out the feast that night, Percy and Annabeth clamped down on the fears that filtered through, the memories. Their night of sleep was a bit restless, but they were better knowing that the other was only a short distance away. 

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