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Gathered in the Great Hall, the seventh years of Hogwarts murmured their confusion. 

No one had told them what was going on, just telling the students to wait for two teachers to come and talk to them. What teachers could want to talk to them? Were they in trouble? Danger? 

Harry was stood between Ron and Ginny, Hermione on Ron's other side. The Boy Who Lived laced his fingers through his girlfriend's. The red headed girl had a faint smile on her lips and hummed to herself. He'd have to ask later, he guessed. 

Ron and Hermione were just standing next to each other. The brown haired girl seemed a bit miffed at Ron, though he seemed blissfully unaware. 

"Any idea why we're here?" Harry questioned. His green eyes like chips of emeralds scanning the people gathered around. Ginny and Hermione smiled at each other, glancing at Luna across the room. 

The Ravenclaw had a dreamy smile on her pale face, as usual. But there was a clarity to her eyes, as if she was thoroughly enjoying what was going on. 

Harry frowned. "What, you two?" 

"Nothing, Harry." They both sang, brushing off his confused stare. 

That's when the doors opened up once more. And Annabeth and Percy glided in. 

They both wore their white shirt, no vests or robes in sight. The ties also gone. Their sleeves were rolled up to their elbows and their wands were out. Harry tensed, but a look to Ginny and he saw the pure joy in her brown eyes. 

What the bloody hell? 

"I'm sure you all are very, confused." Annabeth said, no smile on her face but her voice light and pleasant. "We are here to explain." She motioned to Percy, and he nodded his head to her as they both stood only two feet apart. 

"We have heard that you used to have a Defense Club here, very few of you were ever in it. That's correct, Harry, right?" He looked Harry right in the eyes. Green to green. The sea to emeralds. 

"Yes." Harry hissed, a bit miffed about what was happening. 

Percy smiled, flashing his white teeth and melting most of the crowd with his boyish charm. "Well, we aren't starting that back up. No we have permission to start a new class." Murmurs broke out but he raised his hand and they silenced. "On how to physically defend yourself. No magic allowed." 

"What?" Harry called out, blinking back his rage at the insult. Not use magic? What could these strangers possibly be thinking? 

Annabeth chuckled, icy grey eyes sliding to Harry and rolling away. "Harry, you of all people should know; that once a wand is broken a wizard-of even the highest skill-is defenseless." He couldn't tell if it was meant as an insult or not. "Our school has trained us in both magic and physical ways to take care of ourselves." 

Percy took over, rolling his shoulders. "And, as of today, our class is mandatory for all students." A blink from many assembled there. "We are only telling you first, but plan to tell the other years before their first classes too. A schedule will be brought to you at breakfast tomorrow." 

Harry clenched his fists. He had enough homework as is. What was this? 

Annabeth smiled, a snake coiled up in a den. "While you train with us, you are not in Houses. You are Hogwarts Students. No house colors will be worn by anyone, if we see house colors-you will sorry." She crossed her arms and pushed out a hip. "You will find your uniforms on your beds, change into them and meet us in the Room of Requirement."

With that they swept out, leaving the students just as confused as they were before hand. No one moved. 

Until Ginny, Hermione, and Luna marched out beside each other. 

The others launched into muttering conversations as they shuffled out and towards their dorms. 

Harry frowned at his uniform. A black shirt with a white Hogwarts logo on the front, and black shorts. They showed off just how skinny he was, what he hadn't been able to shake. No matter how much he ate, he was a stick. 

Ron wasn't much better, only taller. 

The sneakers they had been given were also the same, grey with black laces. 

Even the girls had the same attire. Harry didn't like not being able to set himself apart from the other houses. Surely, if he just wore a bracelet, it wouldn't matter. So he slipped it on his wrist, the red and gold a comfort. 

Others had little things as well. But surprisingly, he only saw red and green. No blue, no yellow, as he scanned the crowd of kids in the large room. 

It had been expanded, but there was nothing else in the room. Bare stone walls, and a cold, unforgiving floor. 

The door opened and everyone turned to they two walking in. Percy and Annabeth were not wearing the uniform the others had been forced to wear. They wore tight-fitting black shirts, like the material you saw the athletic models wearing in commercials, white trim around the seems. Their pants were of the same material, also with white trim. 

Their sneakers were white as well. 

As if to make them stand out against the rest of the students. 

They both frowned as they scanned the crowd. "I told you, red and green." Percy shook his head. Annabeth nodded, her scowl still in place. "What did we say, about house colors?" He hissed, crossing his arms. The muscles flickered with the movement, and Harry fought the urge to hid his arms behind his back. 

Luna raised her hand, earning a small smile from the couple before Percy motioned for her to speak. "You said not to wear them." Her misty voice echoed over their heads. 

"That's right." Annabeth agreed, scanning the crowd again. "All those with house colors on step forward." Harry and the others reluctantly took two steps towards the blonde. "Throw them here." A wave of her wand and a bucket appeared, she kicked it and it spun towards them. Landing right before Harry's feet. 

He tossed his bracelet in, thankfully it bounced off the edge and landed in the basket. That would have been embarrassing if he had missed. 

"Now," Percy said as the others followed suit. "Ten push-ups, now." He deadpanned. The students blinked, looking from side to side. "I said," Percy glared. "now." 

Harry fought the shiver that threatened to run up his spine, and got down to do his push-ups. It took quite awhile for them all to do their sets, and when they finally stood Percy and Annabeth where still frowning. 

"Well, it's a start." Percy murmured to Annabeth, clearly loud enough for all to hear. 

"Yeah, but not much of one." She said with equally purposeful volume. 

"Well, then." Percy crossed his arms again and grinned. "Get ready for hell." 

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