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Harry Potter was washing dished left from the night before. The house he lived in, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, was empty save for him. Silence stretched on. Kreacher was somewhere around there, doing whatever it was he wanted. 

Nothing special was happening and Harry loved it. He was planning a date for himself and his girlfriend, Ginny Weasley, for that weekend. The house he lived in was only temporary, until he could move out. But right now he was fine with sitting in the kitchen and reading over the letter he had gotten. 

It was a Hogwarts Letter. 

His favorite type of mail. 

They had all gotten them, the class of last year. Everyone had the chance to redo their last year of schooling. He had accepted immediately. Hogwarts was always his home, no matter how bad it got. 

To go back would be amazing. 

It'd be therapeutic after all that had taken place. Harry had told Kreacher he was going back, the elf had been very happy for Harry and said he would make a big dinner for them all on the last day. 

In his mind Harry couldn't help but feel like something was going to happen. He had never had a normal year at Hogwarts, for good or bad-he had a feeling like something was going to happen this year too. He tried to shake it off as PTSD and all that . . . but he couldn't. 

He guessed, it was better to be safe than sorry. 

Trust issues, he knew he had them. Was working on them. But it would take time. 

Hopefully he had that. Time. 

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