Catching Feelings

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Ding Dong is an amazing person how could someone ever break up with him.After we finished our homework and sat on my balcony for several hours he got up to leave and god I wanted him too stay so bad.
We walked downstairs together and before I opened the front door he hugged me.
„I feel like shit for being such a crybaby and stuff"
„Shut up.It's way more than fine"He pulled away and opened the front door.
„See you tomorrow?"I nodded and then he left.How could someone like him go through that much shit?
I shouldn't be worrying about him but I am and the fact that he already tried to commit suicide made everything even worse.Why was I worrying so much about a Person I met now even 24 hours ago?
*Next Morning*
I got woken up by my mum.It was 6:30 am and I felt so dead inside.After taking about 10Minutes to get up I got dressed and then left.My mum tried to get my to eat breakfast but I was feeling kinda sick so I refused to.On my way to school I realised someone was walking in front of me.When I looked at them for a bit I felt stupid for just realising who it is.It was Ding Dong.I walked faster and put my hand on his shoulder.He flinched really hard and turned his head.
„Don't fucking do that"His voice was shaking and I immediately felt sorry,I should've known.
„I'm sorry Ding Dong,I didn't mean to you know"
He shook his head and kept walking but now with me walking beside him.
I was thinking about what to say way too hard.
„You okay?"Ding Dong gave me a suspicious look.
„Yeah"We were close to school luckily because I was extremely tired and I just wanted this day to be over as fast as possible.
Me and Ding Dong had english together which I was kinda happy about because that meant I didn't have to sit alone.
In class 2 Guys sat down in front of us and one of them turned around looking at Ding Dong who didn't notice because he's on his phone.
„What ya looking at faggot"They guy took Ding Dong's phone out of his hands.
„Who's that you're boyfriend how cute"I don't know why but I felt my heart drop and I was kinda sad.Does he have a new boyfriend already?Or are him and that Ryan guy dating again?
Ding Dong took back his phone and put it in the pocket of his jeans.
The Guy looked at me and then back at Ding Dong.
„What's your name huh?"
„uhm Julian"He smiled and then looked back at Ding Dong who was looking at his desk probably not wanting to be in this situation because neither did I.I've never felt so uncomfortable and this was the closest I ever got to being bullied and The Fact that Ding Dong goes to this probably daily ever since middle school made me feel bad.Why can't people see what an amazing,sweet and nice person he is.
Ding Dong got up and left the room so I got up to but that dipshit grabbed my arm.
„Leave him alone,would you?I'm not trying to be mean to you,I'm just saying this faggot isn't worth caring about believe me.So far he dropped all his Friends and Boyfriends just because he likes attention."He wouldn't do shit like that I think I believe Ding Dong way more than this untruthful guy I just met who's an actual asshole.
I shook my head and then left to look for him but I didn't know where to look or where to go It's only my second day here.The only place I know was the library so I went there and luckily He sat there with his head in his hand and looking a his phone.I sat down on a chair beside him.
„Who even was that"
„Dan"I nodded and I didn't care enough right now so I just leaned against him and put my head on his shoulder.
„Do you wanna skip class?"He put his phone down and rested his head against mine.
„kinda"I laughed and I hope he was serious because I actually really wanted to just sleep.
He got up and took his backpack.I did the same and followed him but when we stood outside in front of the school he stopped and sighed.
„My parents will murder me If I go home and they found out I skipped class."He ran his hand through his hair and I was amazed by how good he looked.
„You can come to my place.My mum isn't home and If she was,she wouldn't care.
„That'd be nice" He smiled at me and with that we started walking towards my house.
„How can you put of with that?I already felt extremely uncomfortable and wanted nothing more than to leave even though he almost didn't talk to me"
„Did he say something to you after I left?"I was thinking about telling him but I really didn't know If I should.
„Julian?"I guess I've been quiet for too long.
„yeah?"My lip started bleeding because I bit on it.
„what'd he say?"
„He said that I...I should drop you because you leave everyone behind anyways and you do it for attention."
I immediately felt bad and was scared of what he would say.What if he actual does that.I know it sounds bad but Ding Dong is the only Person I have and I really like him and didn't want to loose him.
„I have no one to drop and If I do,They drop me before I do"That hit hard.
I felt bad and scared and didn't know what to say.
„Julian,This sounds pretty fucking stupid because you don't even consider us as Friends and we rarely know each other but I would never leave you.I like you,I genuinely do."The smile on my face grew and I was suddenly feeling better.
„I'd consider us Friends but...Thank you Ding Dong.I like you too and I'm really glad I met you"When I looked over at him he was smiling and shit did it look cute.We reached my house and when we went inside he followed me up to my room and sat down on my bed while I sat down on the floor in front of my bed looking at the TV.I was playing Splatoon 2 and it was embarrassing how bad I was.
After about an hour of starring at the screen and getting more and more frustrated about this game I put the controller back into my shelf and
looked at my bed to realise that Ding Dong was here but he was asleep.He was lying in my bed curled up in a ball with his head in my pillow and god did he look cute I just wanted to hug him.While I was starring at him I noticed that I really did have Feeling for him.It's insane catching Feeling for a Person who you met about 24 hours ago but there's just something about him that makes you fall in Love with him so easily.The way he looks,the way he acts,His smile and his Laugh and how he's so nice to me and so sweet.
He was deep asleep so I decided to go downstairs to get some lunch and then watch a movie or something because I didn't wanna make Things awkward when he wakes up and I'm just standing there starring at him.

yo yo hey guys.
This is so weird because I now can relate to my own ff like I started writing this a month ago and last week I met a guy and he's the sweetest and he actually cares about me.I mean we only met a week ago but I feel like I'm falling for him and I don't know what to do ahhh.

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