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It made me really happy to be here with Ding Dong again.I missed him so much and I'm really happy he's not...dead. The thought that Ding Dong could be dead right now made my heart ache so I pushed that thought away and looked at him peacefully sleeping next to me. Everything was silent in his room until I heard some sobbing from the other side of the room.I looked over to see Matt was sitting there crying into the blanket.
Ding Dong was asleep so I just let go off him and slowly got up to sit down with Matt.He looked at me and when he opened his mouth to speak he just started crying even harder and It honestly broke my heart even though I don't know Matt at all.
I hugged him and he immediately wrapped his arms around me too.
„Everything will be alright,There's no Reason you have to be so worried,trust me" I just hoped I could make him feel at least a tiny bit better.
„Thank you"He rested his head on my shoulder which made me smile, I hope he knows that I'm here for him and that I care about him.
After a while Matt told me he would go back to sleep now so I went over to Ding Dong who was still sleeping. I laid down facing him and wrapped my arms around him again. He is so pretty how doesn't he see that. Before I feel asleep I felt him take my hand which made me smile,I love him so much.
„You're stupid" Ding Dong looked at me and started laughing, why is he like that.
„Good Morning to you too, fucker" I kissed him pulled him even closer.
„Should we get up?"
„and then what?"Ding Dong sighed and sat up.
„Can you leave this place?"
„I don't know...I never tried to because I have no where to go" I was now standing in front of his bed looking at him.
„but now you do babe so come on" I pulled him up and It made me laugh how much Ding Dong was smiling because I called him babe.He went over to his closet and took out some clothes and then walked over to his bathroom. I slept in my clothes so we'll probably gonna stop by my house so I can get dressed and then we'll go somewhere,I don't know where yet but I'll figure something out.
„Hey" I looked over at Matt who just woke up.
„Hi" He got up and stopped In font of me.
„Thank you for being there for me I really appreciate that" He hugged me so I wrapped my arms around him and I couldn't stop myself but smile, he's so sweet Ryan's very lucky.
„Any Time Matt, I'm always there for you and so is Ding Dong" I let go from his body but I wrapped my arms around his again when I realised he started hugging me even tighter because he was crying.
When I felt Ding Dong hug me and Matt I couldn't but start laughing which made me feel kinda bad.I backed away so Matt was hugging Ding Dong.
„Matt... when I got here, a few days later when that happened.We all thought Ryan wouldn't make it but he did.He always does and he'll always will he fights and that only because of you okay?He loves you so incredibly much and you just need to be strong...for Ryan okay?"Ding Dong held Matt's shoulders and pushed him away so he could look at him. Matt just nodded and before he left the room I stopped him.
„Do you want to hang out with me and dingus,We'll go outside and... I don't know" Matt laughed but shook his head.
„No I-...They'll probably allow me to see Ryan now and also you guys should definitely have some alone time after being separated for so long." He closed the door and left me and Ding Dong standing in front of each other.
„Let's get away from here" I grabbed his hand and walked with him out of his room and out of this shit hole of a building. We started walking towards my place and I got kinda excited at the thought of being home with Ding Dong again. My mum was at work and It was just me and him again but we'll go somewhere else so it's whatever.
When we arrived at my house I told Ding Dong my mum wasn't home and when I unlocked the door he pushed me aside and walked up the the stairs and into my room while I was still standing in the hallway.
I walked up the stairs and into my room to see Ding Dong fave down on my bed.
„I missed this" He turned on his back and held out his hand for me to take.
„aw"I laid down beside him and wrapped my arms around him.
„would you be upset If we just stayed here?I just want to stay here and relax a bit you know"I could rarely hear him because he was mumbling into my chest.
„Of course we can.Anything that makes you happy" He started smiling and It was so cute.
„I-I hope Ryan is okay...It seemed pretty bad.Matt had blood all over his hands and his shirt"
„Do you know the hospital he's staying at?" Ding Dong just nodded.
„Maybe we can ask my mum to drive us there when she gets back at 1pm in about 2 hours and until then you can sleep because you seem extremely tired" I laughed and pushed the hair out of his face.
„Sounds good to me and that's because I am I sleep like 4 hours every night.I hate sleeping alone" 
„aw Dingus.I love you so much" He laughed and hugged me even tighter.
„I love you too"
It didn't take long until he fell asleep and I honestly missed this so much .This is what I actually craved for the last months,just lying in my bed with Ding Dong and holding him. I just laid there for the next two hours with Ding Dong asleep in my arms until I heard the front door open.
„Hey Mum's here"He nodded and hid his face in my chest. Ding Dong didn't move until my door opened.
„It's so nice to see both of you together again" My mum smiled at us and Ding Dong was now looking at her and started laughing.
„hey mum. I need you to drive me and Ding Dong to the Hospital in about 20Minutes?We're gonna visit a Friend"
„Oh of course just let me know when you two are ready" and with that she left and closed the door behind her.
„Do you want a new shirt?"Ding Dong nodded and right before I got up and looked at him I realised he was crying.
I starred at him because I was confused and he just starred back at me. when I sat up I pulled him up with me so I could hug him.
„what's wrong?"
„Nothing actually.I don't know why I-"He rested his head on my shoulder and It was clear what's up. There's so much going on in his Life right now I don't blame him in any way for having moments like these.
„Everything's fine don't worry"
Ding Dong backed away from our hug and just looked at me for a good 20 seconds until he kissed me. He closed his Eyes and pulled me closer by putting his hand on my neck. I just wrapped my arms around his waist hoping that we could stay here like this   
for at least a little longer. Until a little bit later we stayed like this.
„Can I still get that shirt of yours" He rested his head on my shoulder and it just made me laugh how cute he was.
„I mean your already own 50% of my closet but of course you can"I kissed his head and even though I saw the disappointment in his Eyes because I got up I just went to my closet to get him a shirt.
„I only have like one of your sweater and I don't know...two or three shirts?" He gave me a questioning look and started laughing when I threw one of my shirts at his face.
„I'm pretty sure you have two.Now three." I watched him take off the hoodie he was wearing and putting on the shirt I just gave him.
„don't stare at me like that when I get changed" He threw his hoodie at me while trying not to smile.
„Well Sorry I guess"I started laughing and went over to my bathroom to do my hair. Ding Dong walked up to me and hugged me which made me smile.
„I love you tho" He walked back into my room and put on his shoes which were standing beside my bed.
„I love you too dingus" I sat down beside him anf just waited for him to be ready because I was.
„Can we go?" He nodded and smiled for a second but I guess his smile faded at the thought of where we were going. We went downstairs to my mum and then me and Ding Dong got i to the car so my mum could drive us to the Hospital to visit Ryan.
„See you later" I closed the car door and watched my mum drive away while slowly walking into the Hospital. When I looked over at Ding Dong I noticed he was shaking so I just took his hand. After we asked the reception lady where Ryan's room was we went to the elevator to get there.
„I hate elevators.Part of it is because I'm claustrophobic but also because I'm scared this shit will drop" The doors closed and I could feel him holding my hand even tighter.
„It's fine don't worry about it." I let go off his hand and wrapped my arm around his waist to pull him closer." The doors opened again and we were on the 4th floor of the building. I opened the door to Ryan's room with my arm still around Ding Dong and my heart dropped because I was so scared.I didn't really know Ryan I talked to him for like 10 seconds but he's one of Ding Dong's best Friends and he likes him so Ryan has to be a good Person who doesn't deserve what is happening to him. Luckily I could take a deep Breath when I saw Matt sitting in front of Ryan in his bed and they were laughing together. We walked in and I couldn't but smile at how happy they looked.
„Hey" Matt got up and hugged me and Ding Dong. We sat down on the chairs next to Ryan's bed and I started biting my lip at the look of his Arm. Completely cut up and bruised and It made my arm stink. I just kept staring until Ryan folded his arm desperately trying to hide them which made me feel terrible.
„I-I'm sorry...I... really didn't mean to I" Matt and Ding Dong were now looking at me too and I felt really bad.
„It's fine. You want to look away but you can't...it's a normal thing to do"  I nodded and grabbed Ding Dong's hand still feeling bad.
„Can you still go home next week" Ding Dong looked up at Ryan who was smiling.
„Yep.When I get out of the Hospital in maybe one or two days I can get my stuff and go home just like Matt." Matt smiled and hugged Ryan.
„You two are very cute together I just gotta say that" They both looked at me and laughed.
„Thanks Julian!You two too which makes it even more cute is that I know how much Ding Dong loves you because he couldn't go a minute without talking about how much he missed you and how much he loves you.Right Donovan?" Matt had a really big smile on his face and I couldn't but start laughing.
I turned around to look at Ding Dong who was sitting beside me looking kinda pissed at Matt. When I put my hand on both sides of his face and leaned in he started smiling.
„you know that I love you too right?" I closed my Eyes and kissed him and even tho my Brain kept telling me to stop because Matt and Ryan were looking at us I didn't and just kept basically making out with him at this point. After eventually a Minute or even longer I pulled away and stared at Ding Dong who looked at me with pure confusion.
„I was pretty sure you guys were gonna have sex right there" Ryan raised his Eyebrows and smirked at us.
„I mean we can If you want us to" Ding Dong got up and sat down on my lap hugging me and to be completely honest I wasn't even sure anymore if he was joking at this point. He just ended up wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on my shoulder.
„You're so cute omg" Matt pulled out his phone to take pictures of us so I just hid my face in Ding Dong's shoulder who just fell asleep.
„Matt stop making them uncomfortable...and with them I mean Julian"Ryan laughed and took Matt's phone.
„It doesn't...I mean I made you uncomfortable the first 10 seconds I got  here so " I started laughing trying to hide the fact that I was embarrassed.
„Julian,You didn't It's fine It's not like you did it on purpose or you were being rude about it." I just nodded and ran my hand through Ding Dong's hair to notice how soft it was.Every detail about him was so special which just makes me love him even more.
„I hope you two never break up"I starred at the floor and then looked back up at Ryan who smiled at me.
„I...uhm. We aren't even dating. I mean we aren't official I never asked him" Matt and Ryan both equally looked shocked.
„I need you to make that official today or I'll do it" Matt looked at me crossing my arms.
„So you're gonna ask dingus if he wants to date you?or what?" I looked at him but he just flicked me off.
„Matt you're taken you shit"Ryan pulled Matt who was faking to be pissed into a hug by taking his hand and kissing his head.
„I wanted to ask him today but when we went over to my house he just fell asleep and now we're here" After I said that they told me how they started dating and how they met in the clinic.This went on for another 30Minutes until Ding Dong woke up and we went home because he was about to fall asleep again. At first We planned that he would go back to the clinic and I would go back home but when I saw how disappointed Ding Dong was when I asked him If he's gonna go back to the clinic I just took him home with me which was definitely the better option.
Once we got home Me and Ding Dong went up to my room where h immediately took of his shoes and his jeans and laid down in my bed covering himself with the sheets.
After I was done staring at him I did the same and laid down with him.
„I love you so much you don't know how happy I am to have you back and just...be here...with you."I kissed him and he tried to kiss back but he was on the edge of falling asleep.
„i love you too" I wrapped my arms around him which followed to him just resting his head against my chest.

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