Faces Behind A Call

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I call to hear from you
The tales of good fortune
I call to show care and love
To keep our relationship strong
I call so as not to worry
To be in constant thought about you.

Though i wonder what face you wear,
When i call you, do you laugh?
When i crack jokes on the line,
Do you sympathise with me
When i talk about some misfortune?
Or do you grip the phone close to your ear
And yearn to hear my voice?

Do you pretend to care when i tell you of something
Or are you in haste to drop the call, after I've said "hello"?
Do you feel bored with all of our conversations? 
Oh! How i yearn to see your expressions when i call
To know how you really feel when you see my name
Or when you hear my voice as you pick up the phone
What face do you put on when you receive my phone call?

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