warring world

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War eats at our souls
A people who no longer love
People dying and children crying
Yet we keep at it, suffering and smiling
Higher ups sucking us dry like leeches
We could stop them you know?
Fighting and killing one another
For no good reason

Merchants of war laughing at our losses
Their gains and their profits
Lie in our suffering, we believe
In our false leaders who only
Think of their pockets, their future
Leaving us to wallow in the pit
Yet we keep at their beck and call
Always suffering and smiling

The sun beats us with its heat
The moon cools us with its breeze
Our homes shattered and destroyed
Living like stranded animals in our own land
looking up to the sky to witness with its beauty
Lost in our own sorrows
With no shoulder to lean on
Hoping for a better tomorrow

Our brothers go into fighting to protect us
Always taxed of our outmost treasures
The little we have taken from us
The strong willed trampling over the weaklings
"Power to the strongest" they say
Ones who once loved us now turning away
A community now dispersed into far corners
Holding on to memories of great times

The ground is cold and bare
We sleep on it like it were a warm bed
The food raw and tasteless
Eating it like it were a hearty meal
Starvation killing the weak and strong alike
Yet we cling on to the last thread of hope
Wondering how this fate had befallen us
We cry to the world, HELP!!!

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