Chapter 10 - Lazy Day

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Chapter 10 - Lazy Day

"JACOOB!" I screamed.

"What!?" He yelled.

I let out a frustrated cry. "I thought I told you not to touch my stuff!"

He stuck his head in my room, his eyes wide and lips pursed from trying not to laugh. "Oops...?"

That did it.

I lunged at him but he was quick enough and ran downstairs. I chased after him down the stairs, through the kitchen and into the den, "I'll get you! And when I do, I swear! You're dead!"

We were in the garden now, running in circles while he screamed and I yelled.

Then we were back in the kitchen and I was hot on his tail. Almost there.

He sprinted through the kitchen and down the hall.

I lunged and tackled him to the ground. "Oww!" he cried. I turned him over and sat on him, trying to slap him while he tried to swat my hands away.

"Don't." Slap. "Ever." Slap. "Touch." Flick. "My." Slap-flick. "Things!" Super slap.

"Becca, get off me!" he struggled. I chuckled, "NEVER!!!" I stopped laughing and looked at him dead-serious. "Not until you stay away from my room and apologize!"

He laughed, "No!". I slapped him again.

"Stop hitting me or else I'll tell mom!" he shot.

"Tell her!" I shot back. "I don't care." He started flailing. "Stop it, twerp!" I laughed. "You look like you're having seizure. God, you're such an idiot!"

"Becca Swan! Becca Swan!" I gasped, "Take that back, Jake!"

"What's going on here?" a voice interrupted.

Jake and I froze and looked at the source. "What the hell?" Jake whispered. I pinched him. "Ow!"

We both stood up quickly.

"What's going on here?" he repeated.

Jake pointed at me. "She started chasing me around the house like some Neandelhal!" I gasped dramatically. "Only because you stole my iPod and ate all my patchi chocolates Aunt Marie bought for me from Dubai!"

"How do you know I ate them!? I'm totally innocent!" Jake smirked. I glared at my little brother, "The guilty always pledge innocent!"

"Well -"

"Enough you two!" Our heads snapped towards a very annoyed looking Mason. "God, you're acting like kids." Jake and I huffed and crossed our arms.

"Mase, how'd you get in anyways?" Jake asked.

Mason blushed. " was open and just walked in." Mason replied nervously. Jake chuckled and shook his head. "Dude, what happened to knocking?" before Mason could reply I interrupted getting a bit bored, "Whatever, who cares." I flipped them off and went upstairs to shower.

*The Both of Us*

I trudged down the stairs and strolled into the den to find Jake and Mason playing some video game on the Xbox.

"Ah! Mason watch my back!" Jake winced. "Your back? You watch mine!" Mason argued.

There was a slicing sound coming from the screen and then Jake yelled, "NOOO!"

Mason grimaced, "Ouch, I was totally watching your back, dude,"

"You could ask for help, you know?" I chimed, collapsing on the couch between the two. Jake snorted. "Yeah, like we'll ever do that,"

"I don't know Jake...she could be a good help," Mason pondered. "Are you kidding me!? Mase, you supposed to take my side!" Jake complained "Well, she could be good this," he fought back.

I just watched them go back and forth, like a tennis match. Having enough, I got up and replaced Resident Evil with Call off Duty. I picked up the extra controller and sat back down.

That was when I noticed that they had stopped arguing and was watching me. "Are you gonna gape like a fish, or join me?" I asked shooting down a few of my enemies.

I could practically hear mason grinning and Jake grumbling.

Today is defiantly a lazy day.

*The Both of Us*

"Kids I'm home!" my mum drawled, shutting the front door and walking over to us.

"Hey mom" Jake yelled distractedly. "Hi mom, how was work?" I asked.

"Super busy. We had two heart surgeries and an angiogram today," she said glancing over to Mason who stood shyly behind me. "Hello, Mason"

"Good evening Mrs. Donnali," Mason replied politely. "Mason dear, how many times must I tell you to call me Susan?" she asked with a playful glare.

"Sorry M- Susan!" he corrected quickly. I chuckled as Jake shouted for us to come help him.



Love Naadi

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