Chapter 4 - She sings?

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Chapter 4 - She sings?

"Good morning, sunshine!!!" I jump on Sarah trying to shake her awake.

It worked because she chucked her pillow at my head.

"Oh! Oh! Oh! It's the weekend baby!" I sing.

"Get off me, you big oaf," She grumbles, "Your singing is horrible," She sticks her head out of the blanket.

"You and I both know that's not true,". I fold my hands over my chest and raise an eyebrow at her, smirking.

"Way to sound conceited," Sarah says rolling her eyes as she sits up, throwing off her covers revealing her in the moody messy person she is.

"What are we doing today?" she yawns.

"We could go to the mall or hangout at 'The Hangout' I heard they are having an open mic! Oh! And there is a party later at James Aubrey's house." I said.

"Cool," was Sarah's only reply.

After a minute or so Sarah said, "You should do the open mic, you'll do great,"

"Wait... are you saying I can sing?" I asked sarcastically with a sly smirk.

"I need a mini fridge for us," Sarah says, ignoring my question.

"So that requires us going to the mall, and after that we could chill at 'The Hangout',"

There's a knock at the door and Sarah rushes of to the small-yet decent- bathroom in our dorm.

Walking to the door, I have a feeling its Megan. My assumption was correct hence the tackling hug I received as soon as I opened the door.

"Becca! Good morning, babe! I brought you and Sarah cheese croissants because Sarah doesn't use her master chef skills on Saturdays." Megan beams.

Its true, Sarah is studying a culinary course and everyday she cooks a dish absolutely delicious...except Saturdays. She gets lazy.

I laugh and pat Megan on the back, she hands me the box with the tasty treats and I thank her.

Sarah steps out of the bathroom with her hair in a messy bun. She smiles at Megan, grabs a croissant and after taking a bite, she says thanks with her mouth full. Megan snorts and rolls her eyes.

*The Both of Us*

"Are you happy now?" I ask Sarah, who is smiling giddily at the mini fridge beside her. We're sitting in Megan's car, heading back to our dorm.

"She better be. I didn't walk the whole mall to look for that! And not buy anything for  myself!" Megan complains, throwing her hands in the air to exaggerate a bit.

"Hands on the wheel!" I shout.

Megan immediately takes the wheel and salutes, "Yes, ma'am"

Sarah chuckles in the back.

"Yeah. I'm more then happy, I now have something to keep my ingredients fresh!"

When we get to the dorms, Sarah and I head of to our dorm and Megan heads over to 'The Hangout' where we agreed to  meet up later.

Once inside, we place the mini fridge on the little kitchens counter. Sarah rushes to get ready. I quickly change into a floral mini dress with a denim jacket and tan boots.

"You ready?" Sarah asks, as I zip up my boot.

I fluff my hair, grab my car keys and turn to look at Sarah.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I say hooking an arm in hers as we walk to my car.

When I sit inside my car, I realize I haven't driven this baby in a week!  

I turned into the parking space, Sarah gets out of the car with so much energy.

"Oh.My.Gosh! Look at the amount of people. I better wait in line for our drinks," she exclaims and runs off.

I roll my eyes at her and walk slowly to the entrance, when I hear someone call my name.  

I turn around to see Chase waving me over, he is standing with Mason, Alec and their other best friend Dylan.

"Hey, you," Chase says smiling.

I stand next to him.

"Hi, guys. What's up?" I ask.

"Not much. We're here for the open mic, you taking part?" Dylan asks smiling.

I glance at all of them and shrug. "I might. Not entirely sure yet,"

Mason scoffs and we all look at him.

"What?" Alec asks with a raised eyebrow.

"She sings?" Mason asks with disbelief on his face.

"Yeah, didn't you know that?" Chase says.

"No -"

"Um, I'm right here you know," I cut him off.

Mason scowled at me.

"You sure you can sing and not sound like a walrus?" Mason asks with a raised eyebrow and a cheeky smirk.

"More like a siren," Chase muttered. I smiled at him.

"Yea, she's am-a-zing!" Alec exclaims.

"Better than Adele, Brittney Spears, that Swift chick, Demi lova- ," Dylan states, getting cut off by Mason.

"Alright. twenty bucks says you won't get a standing ovation," Mason suggests.



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