Chapter 13 - False Hope

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It was Friday afternoon when Mason decided to drag me out of the house. We decided to head back to his place and have a movie night. So here we are at your local Target, arguing over which popcorn flavor we should get. Turns out Mason has a sweet tooth. He wanted a caramel sugar flavored popcorn while I wanted your average butter salted popcorn.

"But everybody loves butter!"

"Clearly not everybody," Mason snorted.

"I say we take this sugary pack of goodness!" He said as he waved the packet of popcorn in my face.

I rolled my eyes and shoved his hand away.

"Fine. But I get to pick the movie and choose the sweets," I said as I walked down the aisle, eyeing the sweets on the shelves. I heard Mason complaing behind me. Choosing to ignore him I picked a pack of jelly beans, skittles and some fudge. I beamed when I saw cheetos on the top shelf. I stood on my toes, trying to reach for it. But it was no use, I looked around for Mason to help me but he was not there. Sighing in frustration, I put the basket down and tried again...and again. "Gosh! Dammit!" I whispered to myself.

An arm reached out from behind me and grabbed the pack of Cheetos. Following the tan arm I saw Mason no less than a hand space away. "Thanks" I said, blushing slightly.

Mason eyed me intently, in a way that made me feel self-conscious. He frowned deep in thought, conflicting emotions reflecting off his face. His dark sapphire eyes peirced into mine as they looked down to my lips.

Mason leaned closer until our nose touched. I could smell the raspberry from the lollipop he had earlier as his breath fanned my face. It was intoxicating...All words got stuck in my throat and I could feel my heart beat so fast that made it harder to breathe, knowing what will happen.

And then something terrible yet beautiful happened; the speakers made a screeching sound and Mason jumped back. " Alex, clean up in aisle fourteen, Alex. Aisle fourteen."

I was relieved yet disappointed that some Alex from Target disturbed our almost kiss.

I ran my hand through my hair trying to process that Mason tried to kiss me. He almost kissed me...he almost KISSED me!

Mason cleared this throat. I looked at him peaking through my eyelashes.

"I'm sorry." He said

"Huh?" I asked confused.

Mason scratched the back of his head.

"That won't, uh, happen again, sorry,"

I licked my dry lips and nodded shakily. "Oh. Umm...yeah, okay."

Mason frowned at his shoes and started to walk away while I stood there and stared at the basket of junk food until I remembered.

"Mase!" I called out. He turned around with a questioning look.

"You didn't tell me what's your favorite candy," I said while gesturing to the shelves full of goodies.

Mason smiled sheepishly. "Lollipops. Raspberry lollipops."

***The Both of Us***

To say the next few hours went successful, we watched 'The Maze Runner' and 'Jurassic Park'.

"Imagine if dinosaurs still existed....the world would be different," I thought aloud.

"Actually it would still be the same, man would just lock the dinosours in highly strong cages, or kill them for their skin or something and maybe place them on a deserted island far away from civilization..." Mason answered and looked up at me innocently before stuffing a handful of Cheetos in his mouth.

I chuckled and got up to streatch when my phoned blared. Jakes face flashed on the screen.


"Becca? Becca! Oh my god please Becca. You have to get down here! I- " Jake was crying. That's when I went into panic mode.

"Whoa Jake, calm down. Just- "

"Calm down! I cant calm down!" He shouted

"Okay, breathe, Jacob just breathe and tell me what happened, okay?" I tried to sooth as fear settled in.

"I was out with spencer and got a call from the hospital! They said something happened to mom...and - " he tried explaining

"What!!? Jake where are you?"

" I'm on my way to the hospital, meet you there okay? Becca..." He spoke softly.

" I'll be right there...and Jake?"

"Yeah...?" He sobbed.

"I love you."

"I love you to Becca..." Jake said before ending the call.

We both new that we couldn't loose our mother, we were still trying to let go of our father...

I pushed my hair back and let out a shaky breath. I looked at Mason. He stood in front of me.

" Rebecca, what happened?" His tone was serious and concerned.

I looked him in the eye, "Mom is in the hospital."


Well, what do you thinks gonna happen next?

After this chapter the plot of the story really starts to set in... So get ready for a whole lot of UNEXPECTED drama :D

Oh and this chapter Is unedited! Sorry my apologies!

It's finally summer vay-cay so expect more updates!

~ sad_sack

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