Chapter 1

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Melanie's POV:

"We're moving?!" I yelled dramatically.

My mother and father stood by my bed, packing my clothes and shoes in separate bags. My mother let out a deep sigh and looked directly at me. "This is a big change," she says, "for me and your father too, but we are making a sacrifice and moving to a wonderful new home."

I ran my fingers through my wavy thick hair and frowned.

"Can't I go live with Aunt Lucy? She lives only a few miles away, and I can still go to school and see my friends!" I begged. She ignored my begging and went back to packing my bags.

My father dropped his bags and gave me a glare, preparing for a speech.

"We're moving as a family! I've got a promotion at the office and your mother has been looking forward to moving since your sister Maxine was born." He says calmly. Just then, my younger sister Maxine skipped in the room.

She's 12-years-old but she acts like she's 16. She tries to tag along with me to parties, tries to hang out with my friends and has even bugged my phone so she could listen on my conversations. I've asked Mom and Dad to help keep her away but they're always too busy or something...

"I'm happy we're moving! It's a new start for the family and I can make new friends!" She said sweetly. She gave mom and dad a kiss on the cheek and walked merrily out of my room. She quickly popped her head back in and stuck her tongue out at me. I did the same and turned to see both my parents giving me a puzzled look.

"I-it was Maxine!" I said, putting my hands up in surrender. They each exchanged looks and turned back at me.

"Sure it was..." They say with sarcasm in unison.


Home Sweet Home.

Well, at least that's what the welcome mat read. We entered out new house and gazed in awe of it's beauty. The polished dark wooden floors left a 'Click Clack' every time you walked. The double doors led to the beautiful gourmet kitchen. I placed a fingertip on the cold marble Island countertop and smiled. The cabinets were a creamy beige color and the knobs were a smooth ash black.

Then it hit me...

"Where's my room?!" I said out loud.

I ran up the twisted marble staircase and made my way through the hallway. One door stood out in particular...

At the end of the hallway there was room with large white double doors and a golden handlebar knobs. I made my way slowly towards the doors and turned the knob. Bright colors were everywhere!

The room was painted a bright blue with yellow curtains draped over the giant balcony window. The queen sixed bed had crisp white bed sheets spread across. The orange pillow sheets matched the room perfectly. I walked towards the balcony and peered out into the clear blue sky. The clouds were evenly spread throughout the sky and seemed to smile down on me. I turned away and let out a my Happy Dance.

My weird, embarrassing and kooky Happy Dance.

"You couldn't dance to save your life." A voice said from the door. I turned around and saw Maxine watching and laughing.

"At least I can have a life! You're the one with the Parental Guidance on your television!" I snapped, rolling my eyes.

She stuck her tongue out and ran down the hallway as I chased after her. We ran into my parent's room and wrestled on their wooden floors.

"Maxine and Melanie! You better stop fighting or both of you will be grounded with no T.V and no computer!" Mother yelled.

We immediately stopped fighting and looked directly at our mother.

"Yes, Mommy." We said in unison.

She gave us both appreciated looks and opened her mouth to speak.

"Go unpack and get ready." She said calmly. Maxine and I exchanged puzzled looks.

"Get ready for what?" We said in unison.

"We have neighbors coming over to welcome us into the neighborhood. They're probably coming around 7 o' clock tonight, so get ready." Dad said, stuffing the drawers with socks.

Mom nodded her head and held up a dress. It was a short white dress with a sweetheart neckline. The dress had a flowery lace on top of the crisp white fabric underneath. I looked at the dress and felt along the fabric, as I found it had a creamy touch.

"You have shoes to match?" Mom asked. I nodded my head and took the dress from her hands gently. I walked to my room with the dress and gave it a personal touch.


I sprayed on my favorite perfume and clipped in my golden hooped earrings, placed on my leather jacket and slipped on my black ankle boots, and added a pale nude lipstick on my lips and slipped on my golden bracelet and necklace.


"Maxine! Melanie! The guest are here, come downstairs and meet them!" Mother called. I rushed downstairs and greeted my guest. A mother, a father and a teenage girl stood before me.

The girl looked my age, with long strawberry blonde hair, a good smile, and nerdy glasses. She pushed the green framed glasses up on her face and smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm Alison but everyone calls me Ali. What's your name?" She asked. I smiled

"I'm Melanie and that's my sister Maxine." I watched her giggle and shake Maxine's hand gently.

"I have a feeling we're going to be good friends..." She whispered to herself. I smiled as we made our way into the kitchen for dinner.

I had the same feeling too...


A/N: Hey everyone! This is a new book that I've made! I

I hope everyone like it so far

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Love, Iced_Toffee

Hugs and kisses to you all

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