Chapter 18

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Three weeks.

Three days.

Fourteen minutes.

Seven seconds.

That's how long I've been miserable. Nothing to do on weekends, no more excitement. Just me, listening to Ali and Morgan argue—Adrian and Riley watching, anticipation obviously showing. I sipped my Lipton Ice Tea and played a few rounds of Subway Surfers on my phone until I head started to pound intensely from all the commotion.

Ali's voice, Morgan's yelling, and Adrian's false concern pounded on the inside of my head. Finally, I snapped.

"Please! Shut up, just shut up—EVERYONE!" I snapped, waving my hands like a frantic. That's when they all decided to take a look at the spaz...

Adrian looked hurt, Riley ate her Cheeseburger in nonchalance, Ali had tears brimming on her eyelids, and Morgan stood silent and a bit shocked.

"Dude," Adrian spoke up, "Take it easy. You've been on edge for like, weeks..."

I squeezed the bridge of my nose, frustrated.

"Nothing," I muttered. I instantly stood up, made my way towards the garbage cans, and dumped the food along with the tray in the can.


Xavier's POV:

"Gimme back my Fruit Cup!" Ethan cried, grabbing hopelessly at the cup that contained fruit. Ace held if high outta Ethan's reach, making him insanely frustrated for absolutely no reason...

"No way; Just get another fruit cup from Meredith, the Lunch Lady!" Ace cried, driving his spoon into the cup, slurping the thick, chilling syrup from the cup.

"Dude," Ethan yelled, "Just gimme back the cup, Jackass!"

Ace, being the ass that he is, promptly refused to give him the cup back. I watched those two argue, yell, swear, and slap each other for a damn fruit cup; Which brought the biggest headache ever.

"JUST SHUT UP! DUDE, IT'S ONLY A DAMN FRUIT CUP!" I snapped, watching the two calm down. Each looked at eachother, shooting apologetic glares at me.

"Bro," Ace starts, "You've been pissed for like, three weeks..."

"Yeah, dude, what's your problem?" Ethan asked, placing a hand on my shoulder. I angrily slapped his hand away, storming out of the cafeteria.


Melanie's POV:

Really? What kind of people argue when someone is crystal clearly annoyed?! Oh, yeah, the kind of people that I chose to be my friends, I thought furiously to myself.

I settled my backpack on my back firmly, storming upstairs towards the stairs. Halfway up, I pull out my phone, seeing different from Ali.

Alison: Hey, please tell us what's wrong :(

Alison (2): Omg, please tell us what's the matter! I hate seeing my friends upset!! Let's just talk...

I sighed, looked at the messages and sighed heavily.

Me: Look, I'm fine. We can talk-

I was interrupted by heavy shoulder knocking me down. I waited for the impact to send me flying, causing me to squint my eyes shut and prepare for impact with the ground.

But it never came.

Did I freeze time? Did someone else freeze time? Wait, can time even be frozen, I fanatically thought as my mind raced.

"You can open your eyes now..." A rich, deep voice replied. The same deep, smoothing voice that I missed. The same voice that I haven't heard in weeks...

I flashed my eyes open as fast as humanly possible to the sound of that voice; "Oh...I-I'm...sorry..." I stammered, breathing heavily.

"No problem. This time, it was my fault..." Xavier said, a weak smile planted on his face. I blushed under my hair, smiling.

"Nah, I wasn't paying attention and-"

"No, it was me!" He said, chuckling. I laughed, noticing that his has were around my petite waist—so he was still suspending me in the air, keeping me from crashing into the steps.

I sighed, steadying myself on the steps and grabbing his hands slowly. He flashed me his famous smirk, glancing between my lips and eyes.

Slowly, yet quickly, he brought his lips down on mines. His lips felt soft, almost like two pink pillows. His kiss was soft, passionate even. I brushed my hands slowly up his face and found my one hand on his cheek and the other on the back of his neck, gripping. I moaned, aroused by this kiss as I easily bit his bottom lip in pleasure.

He groaned, pulling away and pressing his head at the base of my forehead. "I'm sorry." He whispered. I bit my bottom lip and nodded.

"I'm sorry, too. How can we forgive eachother?" I asked, dramatic and chuckling.

He pressed his lips against mine once again, pecking them.

"Let me guess? You're teasing the enemy...?" I asked, giggling. He shook his head, laughing out-loud.

"Yes." He said, laughing a deep, happy laugh.


"I'm sorry for for calling you nonchalant..."

"I'm sorry for calling you boring..."

"Am I really boring?"

"No," He winked, "We'll see tomorrow."

"What's happening tomorrow?"

"Ace's party."

"Your friend?"

"No, my best-friend..."

"What makes you think I'll go?" I said, ripping patches in the soccer field's grass. He looked over me, shooting me his smirk.

"Because you'll be with me," He stated, shifting his gaze towards the oncoming teens ready to play football.

"Hmm," I pretended to think, "Maaybe I'll attend this party you speak of."

He laughed, standing up and dusting off his black jeans. I stood up, watching the kids fence themselves against the bleachers, putting on their sports gear and whatever.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow. Wear...something new..." He called, cuffing his hands around his mouth.

"Fine! Whatever!" I called out, smiling.


A/N: Hey, hey, heyy !! Yeah, too me, three weeks without a sexy friend is a lot!! 

Love, Iced_Toffee

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