Horror Movie

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[Mark's POV]

    (Y/N) scanned the movies with an evil grin formed on his face, he looked at me, then a certain title, "No, no no no no..." he just nodded in response, "I know it is gonna be the worst movie you ever see but think about all of the jokes you could make about it!" (Y/N) made a pretty good point, The Blair Witch is possibly one of the worst movies I'll ever see, is it even horrible enough to make fun of. The first one was... I lightly gagged thinking about it, "I hate you in a good way." I say to (y/n) who noticed me gag, "You were thinking about the first one, weren't you?" I simply nodded with a regretful face. "Don't worry, it can't be that bad, no movie could ever be THAT bad again," he looked at me with a slightly worried face, "right?" I shrugged. "There is one upside to this, if it could even be considered an upside." - "And that upside is...?" (y/n) asked. "The Blair Witch is 15 minutes shorter than The Blair Witch Project." We both sighed knowing how horrible this movie was going to be.

[(y/n)'s POV]

    We bought the tickets and ordered some fried pickles and made our way to our seats. "I bet you 20$ we're gonna get kicked out before the movie ends." Mark looked at me with raised eyebrows, "I don't really do money bets, but I'll do favour bets." I nodded, "So if we get kicked out after the movie ends, I owe you a favour. BUT, if we get kicked out before it ends, then you owe me a favour." I combed over that thought very briefly and we both agreed.

Forty-five minutes into the god awful movie Mark and I in complete loathing towards it. Mark and I completely lost interest in the movie, but we stayed because of our bet, and the fact that we were actually having a great time talking to each other. After a while we resorted to playing Truth or Dare.  "Ok (y/n), truth, or dare!" Mark said in an extremely dramatic voice earning us some "shhhss" from others, we ignored them. "How about... Truth." Mark spent a few minutes thinking this one over, he seemed to look conflicted in whether he should ask it or not, "C'mon spit it out already you're boring me more than this movie." Just as I said that a jump scare came from the booming speakers, Mark told me how he was used to things like that earlier, that's why he didn't even flinch while I on the other hand basically jumped out of my seat. "How do you feel about relationships between guys... like, in a gay way...?" His voice trails off and he still seems uncertain about the question, almost scared of asking it, I can understand in his fear, there are a lot of generally hateful people out there. "Considering I like fucking guys, I'd say I'm pretty for gay relationships," I took a sip of my drink, "What about you?"

[Mark's POV]

    I was slightly shocked to hear (y/n)'s response, I was actually really happy to hear that! I felt as if I could be more open with him, and now I also know that my feelings for him might be shared. "What about you?" I snapped out of my thoughts and said, "Oh! Yeah I'm actually gay..." He looked at me with his stunning (e/c) eyes and a light blush on his cheeks, I was obviously staring at him but I didn't really care, the way that people screamed at the movie and he just sat there, looking at me, everything felt as if it was in slow motion, the AC in the theatre wasn't only making it almost unbearably cold but it was somehow blowing his hair the way a model's hair would be blown, everything about him just seemed- "Perfect." (y/n) said in disbelief. "W-what?" - "You weren't listening, were you?" I scratched the back of my head, "Ah, no sorry, what were you saying?" He gave me a little smirk showing off his teeth, they weren't amazingly pearly white but still perfect, "I was saying we should ditch this lame ass movie and do something else." I thought it over then remembered something. "But what about our bet?" - "Oh yeah," he briefly went into deep thought, his face was so cute when he did that, "What if we just say we both won? I mean, we weren't kicked out, so you sort of win, but we also leave in the middle of the movie, so I kinda win too. So we both win, sound good?" I nod in response, we then grab our drinks and leave.

    While walking back to our homes we joked around, laughed, and got to know each other better. A thought popped into my mind, I needed to know how he felt towards me, and if I have one free dare I could simply just dare him to tell me how me feels; this all sounds great in my head, but then I think about how I would phrase it, I can't just ask him out of the blue, that'd just seem, creepy. I finally decided to slip it into a conversation about dating, "The last time I was on a date," he had a look on his face I couldn't exactly explain, "probably two years ago or so, I was trying to focus on my career, but we both see where that went!" We shared a laugh at the slightly saddening statement, if I ask him now then it could make this situation much better... Or so horrible we never talk again, I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna risk it. "Hey, (y/n), I dare you to tell me your honest thoughts about me," I had a wide smile on my face which was masking the anxiety that was building up underneath my skin.

[(y/n)'s POV]

    "Hey, (y/n), I dare you to tell me your honest thoughts about me." My heartbeat quickened beyond belief, does he actually wanna know what I think about him? "I uhh," I take the last sip out of my drink and toss it, "to be honest Mark, I really like you, like, really like you." I could hear Mark sigh I quickly became discouraged and scared that he was gonna 'let me down easy'' or some bullshit like that, but that never happened, "Oh thank gods." Was it a sigh of relief? We walked a bit more in silence, I enjoyed it but I guess Mark enjoys having conversation more than quiet walks, "So, we both like each other." - "Yeah, I guess so." - "Do you maybe wanna go on a date sometime?" This made an idea pop into my head, "Well it's only nine, we could go and stargaze together! I know a great place where the sky-" Mark cut me off, "I don't know (y/n)... it's pretty late and-" I grabbed his hand, he blushed a lot, "Ok then, I dare you to go on a date with me right now." Mark looked at me and gave me a goofy smile, "Well then, looks like we're going on an actual date." A smile crosses my face as I give him a huge hug, "This is gonna be great! I promise!" Mark laughed loudly, "What? Did I do something wrong?" I was trying to figure out if my shoes were tied or if my shirt was on backwards, "No, nothing's wrong, actually, right now, everything's great! I'm about to go stargazing with a cute guy for a date." I felt so happy when he said this. "Then come on, the faster we get goin the more time we can spend together!" Mark and I started running to a wooded area by my house, I was in absolute bliss.

  ~Final Word Count: 1,318~  

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