*I could get a job but...

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<I am into some kinky shit, if you do not enjoy it then skip this chapter but I ain't dealing with ppl in the comments sayin shit, I'm writing this story as what I would do in these situations, don't like it? Don't read.>

[(y/n)'s pov]
I woke up with Mark laying on top of me, he looked so peaceful sleeping. I could feel his chest pressing against mine with every breath. His heartbeat was pretty much in sync with mine, I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was 10am. I scrolled through my notifications until one caught my eye. It was a text from a random number that read:
"Hello, (y/n), I have reviewed your job application, and I believe that this job would be perfect for you! Give me a call back if you're still interested and we can set up a time for an interview!"

I did a little fist bump in excitement. Mark stirred a little in his sleep and scooted upwards closer to my face and laid his head in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and just enjoyed the moment but of course, I'm not allowed to have cute moments like this, because Chica suddenly decided that she, also, wanted to snuggle with Mark. When Chica jumped onto Mark he woke up with an audible "OOF." I groaned with the weight compressing me further into the couch. "Chica-bica you gotta get off buddy!" Finally, after minutes of negotiating, she jumped off. "I don't wanna get uuup." - "Then lets just lay here for a bit," I said as I ran my fingers through his hair, "Let me do something before we sit there for 5 more hours," Mark said, he then got up and let Chica out to play in the yard. Mark sleepily waddled back over to the couch and fell back into my arms.
After and hour I had to get up from our lovely position, and tell him the truth bout my job, it was causing my a lot of anxiety to keep it from him. "Markipoo, I gotta tell you somethin," he instantly became worried, "while we were on our first date, I got a call from my job, and it turns out I was the perfect person for them to fire... sooo I kinda applied for a job." Mark's face calmed down a bit, and then his face lit up like it usually does when he has an idea, "Why dont you just move in with me? You wouldn't have to pay rent, and I'm sure Chica and Pepe would get along just fine!" I sat there for a bit in contemplation, "I'm not sure Mark, I'd feel weird, I don't just wanna mooch off of you like a leech." He leaned over to me and kissed my cheek, "Babe, the difference between you and a leech is that I love you, and also you don't suck blood..." He let out his normal warm laugh that cheered me up. "I mean, the blood part is debatable," I said under my breath. "What?" Mark said as he seemed to notice I said something. "What?" I said in reply, "I didn't say anythin," there was a moment of silence before Mark broke it, "Wanna move in today? I have all my videos pre-recorded so it's not a problem." My face lit up, "Sure!"

After both Mark and I got dressed we grabbed boxes for my various things, and got into his car. When we arrived at my place I felt uneasy, so many disgusting things had happened there, and all in one night. Mark noticed this and gripped my hand, giving me a reassuring smile, "The quicker we get in and pack the quicker we get out, okay babe?" I take a deep breath in and exhale, "right..." I reply, I give him a peck on the cheek and got out of the car.

My furniture was rented so I could simply call the company and they'd come pick it up, the only thing I had to pack up was the dishes and my clothes, along with my cat. I had Mark handle the kitchen because I wasn't sure I could handle going in there again, and I took care of my clothes.

After about an hour we were pretty much completely packed up, Mark got done faster than I did so he helped me out in my closet. I had several boxes filled with... various things... that I had packed up first, so Mark wouldn't see them, sadly, while carrying the last of the boxes out to the car, the cardboard flaps popped open, "(y/n)," Mark said while pulling out one of my various whips,"I have several questions." I paused for a moment thinking of a way to diffuse this situation, instead of saying something intelligent, my body fucked up and decided to blurt out the most obvious thing, "I'm a kink daddy." I turned back around and continued walking towards the car, "I've always meant to try out bdsm, just never found the right person to do it with," I heard Mark say behind me, I turned on my heel and deadpanned, "The faster we pack up the faster you'll be callin me daddy," I simply turn back around, and start walking toward the car again.

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