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[(y/n)'s POV]

"Fuck." I sat up and looked around. "Well, well, well," I heard that stupid voice again, "look who finally decided to go to sleep." Dark walked through the bedroom door, he opened his mouth to say something, but I quickly cut him off, "Why the fuck do you keep bothering me, what the actual fuck do you want?" Dark was visibly taken aback by my snappy attitude towards him. "Well," he said while slowly approaching the bed, "I want you, all to myself, isn't that obvious?" Before I could reply, I heard Mark's voice calling my name, however, it sounded muffled, like it was so far away, yet, somehow right next to me at the same time. "Oh, it seems as if he's noticed you're here," I slowly inched away as Dark continued to approach the bed, "don't fret, love, the only way you can leave this place is if I allow you to leave, and, I can promise you, that won't happen anytime soon." An eerie grin crept along Dark's pale face. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head, if he won't let me leave, then I'll make him want me to leave, I made a rough sketch of my plan inside my head.

By the time Dark was at the bedside, I had ran out of bed area to escape to, and was practically hanging off of the edge, I slowly moved my hand towards the lamp on the bedside table. Dark sat on the bed and place his hand onto mine, I couldn't hold back the disgusted look on my face. Dark sighed, suddenly, a morose expression passed along his face, "Do I truly upset you this much?" I almost felt bad for him. Keyword: almost. "No," I replied, keeping eye contact with him as to avert his vision from my hand grabbing the lamp, "you absolutely repulse me!" For a brief moment, Dark may have seemed to be genuinely shocked by my response, however, I didn't have enough time to fully examine his facial expression as I smashed the lamp into his head. The second the object had made contact, he was out... like a light. I hesitantly poked him, just to make sure he was truly knocked out.

After I was 100% sure he was out, I got up. "If this is just Mark's house, but mirrored, theeeeen," I walked over to the closet and opened the door, "bingo." My box was in there. I quickly opened it up and searched through the various magick items I kept inside. I dug out my Grimoire from the bottom and flicked through the pages, stopping at the one labeled: Banishing Evil Spirits. I heard groans come from the bedroom and glanced over my shoulder, "Shit." Dark was stirring around, he was almost cognizant again. I dumped out my entire box and quickly picked out my red ink and brush. I begin placing the Elhaz rune on my palms in red ink. Before I could begin the one on my right hand, I was pulled out of the closet by my hair. "How dare you even think of trying to escape!" I instinctively put arms up to protect my face, I felt a fist pound at my arms while the other continued to hold me by my hair. Think quick, think quick! Dark stopped punching momentarily to move my arms away from my face, I grabbed his arm and pulled him down, headbutting him as he came crashing down. I rolled onto my stomach and quickly got up, I delivered a swift kick to Dark's head while he was still down and ran back to the closet to resume the ritual. "You don't like playing fair, do you?" I ignored Dark's footsteps coming up behind me in an attempt to finish the rune before he got to me.

With both runes painted on, I whipped around and clapped three times and extended my hands outward, my palms facing Dark. "N-now (y/n)," terror was destroying his elegant facade quickly, "we don't want to do anything rash, now do we?" I felt power move throughout my fingertips, and I was ready to leave this hellish realm. I began to recite the spell, "The falcon's talons are strong, and the-" I was cut off by Dark tackling me to the ground. His hands wrapped around my neck and I watched the world around me fade away. "Sorry, (y/n), but I simply can't let you get away from me again." He didn't choke me enough for me to pass out, and that's exactly what he wanted, I had just enough oxygen for me to stay awake, however, my entire body felt limp and tired.

[Mark's POV]

"Come on (y/n), wake up!" I tried yelling at him, shaking him, I even dumped ice water on him! He just wouldn't wake up, I could tell from his disgruntled facial expression, that he wasn't having a good dream. I stood up off the bed and began pacing back and forth. "Ok, deep breaths Mark, your boyfriend is just stuck in an alternate sleep dimension with an ego of yours that wants to take him away from you... Shit." I sat on the edge of the bed and rested my head in my hands. "There has to be a way to save you," I turned to look at (y/n), "right?" He, obviously, didn't respond. "Maybe this," I yawned and laid down next to (y/n), "is all just a bad dream, and I'll wake up, and you'll be there with me..." I slowly drifted off to sleep with hopes of waking up with my boyfriend.

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