Where... Where Am I?

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[(y/n)'s POV]

I sat up with a jolt and looked around. "Where the fuck am I?" my voice rang out with an echo, it looked like Mark's house, but everything was off. Everything was in black and white, I turned to my right, where the window should be, but instead, it was the rest of our bed. I was laying on top of the all the blankets on the neatly made bed in my pajamas. The air was chilly, but not cold; I turned to my left, where the rest of the bed should be, but instead was met with the window, instead of the normal small town lights with the night sky shining brightly above, I was met with an inky blackness, almost as if someone had dumped a thick layer of tar onto the windows. I slowly got up, "Mark?" I said timidly, the only response was the echo of my own voice. I walked around the bed, still slightly disoriented by the mirrored arrangement of, what I thought was Mark and mine's room. I noticed one thing that didn't match the rest of the room, it was the mirror we had hanging up on the wall, diagonal to our bed. I walked over to it and saw our normal room, I saw Mark and me curled up on the bed in a comfortable sleep. My heart felt as if it was going to explode it was beating so fast. What the fuck is happening? Where am I? What kinda witchcraft is this bull shit?! I had so many questions, but no answers. I turned away from the mirror and noticed the bedroom door was closed, somehow that brought me some sort of comfort, I walked over to it and made sure it was locked. After that I let out a sigh, while tension was still building up inside of me, it gave me some relief to know that only I could open that door, that is assuming that I was the only one in this room, but I didn't want to think about that right now, so I stepped away from the door.

I walked back over to the bed and ran my hand over the spot where Mark should have been laying down. I looked over at his bedside table and noticed the tv remote, wondering what would happen, I grabbed it and clicked the tv on. There was a dull, but annoyingly persistent static, it only got louder the longer it was on due to the echo-y nature of this place. The noise got so unbearable that I clicked the tv off and cupped my ears. I slowly fell to the ground because the static, although the tv was off, kept ringing over and over again. The terrible sound slowly got quieter but not fast enough, I was crumpled on the ground, still cupping my ears waiting for the noise to go away. When the sound had finally gone away I was still laying on my side, on the ground, I was recuperating from the devastating noise when I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. A flash of hope went through my head, "M-Mark?" A dark chuckle rang through the halls, it sounded kind of like Mark's laugh, but much more composed. The door suddenly became unlocked, as if I didn't have enough to be scared of already, now there was that. The door slowly opened, and being the person I was, I instinctively reached for the bat that I always kept at our bedside. I quickly gripped it and stood up, ready to swing, I watched the door open up. "Oh," I saw, what looked like Mark, but in a suit, walk slowly into the room, "you're awake," he let out another dark chuckle, "well, more like asleep, but who cares, all that matters is that you're here with me." His last word echoed louder than the rest. He started walking closer to me, "Who the fuck are you and where is Mark?" I said, prepping to swing once he got close enough. "Put the bat down," pseudo-Mark said as he slowly crept towards me with one hand raised trying to calm me down, "then we can talk." His face was perfectly straight, with no sign of emotions. "You must be a fuckin' dumbass if you think for even one god damned second that I'ma put down this bat," I spat out, "especially when I'on even know who you fuckin' are." He stopped in his tracks, a quick flash of disappointment flooded his face, but he quickly turned back to his impassive expression, "You don't recognize your old friend, Dark," He put a hand on his chest, "I'm dared to say that I'm offended!" I was confused for a bit, but that didn't distract me from my task at hand, to bash his fucking head in. Keeping my goal in mind, the identity of this strange man suddenly struck me. "You're that fuckin' cunt," I said stretching my muscles in a, clearly, aggressive way, "why don' you just fuck off 'n let me return to...?" I was at a loss for words, what would I say? My world? Dimension? House? So instead I gestured to the mirror, "let me return to where I belong." Dark returned to taking baby steps towards me, "Oh, love, but that would be way too easy," he suddenly started running towards me, "wouldn't it?" I swung the bat at his head, I felt the satisfying crunch of his skull collapsing as I made contact. He stumbled over onto the ground. Dark was kneeling down grasping his, now bloody, head, his skull was clearly exposed. I swung again without a second thought, before I could make contact again he grabbed the bat with his other hand, "You bitch," Dark stood up and grabbed me by the throat, easily lifting me up, "you got blood on my suit!" I hadn't noticed until now, but it looked like he had a blue and red, 3-D look to him, I grinned, if I'm stuck here with this uptight-douche, might as well have fun with it, am I right? "I think it's an improvement to your current look," I said between chokes, "I mean, you looked so disgusting' with that 3-D look to you anyway, I didn' think blood could make it any worse." I gave him a toothy grin, just to add salt to the wound. Dark quickly landed a punch to my face, "Damn it! No! No! No!" I heard him yell before I passed out.

I woke up in the real world, I was under the blankets and breathing heavily, but made a conscious effort to not wake the real Mark up. I slowly turned around and checked my phone for the time. 2:58 am. I let out a quiet groan and laid on my back for a while, my left arm was still wrapped around Mark. I felt him roll over so he was snuggling into my chest. I turned towards him and held him close. Mark yawned and stretched. Damn it, I woke him up. "(y-y/n), why is your heart beating so fast?" I hadn't realized it until he said it, but yeah, my heart was beating quickly, "I had a bad dream," I said, not wanting to go into details, "did I wake you up?" - "No," he replied, "I, also, had a bad dream." He sat up, "I dremt that I was in this weird grey-scale world," fear instantly flooded over me as Mark said this, "I wasn't in control, like I was seeing through someone else's eyes, but he sounded just like me, and I heard noises coming from up stairs, so I watched this guy walk up stairs, in the first person of course, and I saw you laying on the ground, but you quickly picked up the bat, then you and this guy talked for a bit, but then you bashed his head in, but then he started choking you," Mark's eyes started to tear up a bit, "then he punched you and-" I cut him off by hugging him closely, "I don't want to go back to sleep." Mark said between sobs. "Then we'll stay up 'n watch a movie together," I said rubbing his back, "how does that sound?" Mark nods. I pick him up and carry him downstairs. I place Mark on our couch and walk off to the kitchen, "You pick a movie, I'll make us some popcorn." I say as I give him a reassuring smile, he, being the perfect person he is, picks the best movie of all time, The Princess Bride. I sat down next to Mark and wrapped us up in a soft, blue and white blanket. I held my boyfriend close as we enjoyed the movie until the sun rose.


[1,477 words] less than usual, but its 4:32am and I wanted to make a quick chapter while the ideas were still fresh in my head.

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