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[y/n's pov]

After my date with Mark I had walked him home and said good night. Of course my boss had to ruin the moment, I thought as I quietly, but still frustratedly, slammed the door to my house. I heard Pepe's bell jingle, signaling that the overweight cat was making his way towards me. I instinctively poured him some food; while he ate I grabbed a beer from my fridge, opened it, and plopped down on my couch. I turned on the tv, nothing but news and poorly written sitcoms, I decided that if I were to watch anything horrible on tv that I'd at least enjoy it, so I put on some Mystery Science Theatre 3000. The crew was reviewing a ridiculous horror movie. I sunk into my couch just wanting my day to end, but knowing that it wouldn't until almost 3am because of my damn insomnia. I grabbed a bottle of melatonin capsules on the coffee table, each capsule was 5mg, I shrugged and took 4. I quickly finished off the small amount of beer I had left and sprawled out on the couch. I soon found my torso being compressed by Pepe, it wasn't completely uncomfortable. I quickly checked my phone hoping to see a text from my boss, maybe something like 'Oops! I meant to fire someone else!' But of course with my luck that'd never happen. I decided to scroll through Instagram and allow MST3K to act as background noise.
After almost 45 minutes I checked the time, it was 0100. I began to feel drowsy so I put my phone down and closed my eyes allowing myself to slowly drift into sleep...


I groaned, "Whomst the fuck is texting me at this gods forsaken hour?" I picked up the phone, once again, and turned in the display. It was an unfamiliar number to me.

xxx-xxxx: (y/n)...

I was completely confused, I hadn't given my number to anyone recently except for Mark. I decided that this minor problem could wait until the morning. I went to put my phone down but of course...
I rolled my eyes back in frustration.

xxx-xxxx: Dont go to sleep

Me, being less-than sober decided to be a complete asshole, so instead of heeding this strangers warning, I texted him back in a way that made sure to convey that I truly didn't care about what he had to say...

(Y/n): 🖕

With this final text, I completely turned off my phone and went to sleep.

[Mark's pov]
It was 1500 and (y/n) had never responded, I sent him almost 20 texts and I was becoming extremely anxious. I decided to shoot a video with Ethan and Tyler in hopes that I could get my mind off of the subject. We decided to make a "Markiplier Makes:" video.
While filming I constantly checked my phone, I didn't even care if it was caught on camera, I just needed to know if (y/n) was alright. "Marki buddy! Are you cheating?? No looking up recipes!!" Ethan yelled as he took my phone and tossed it to Amy, she put it on the arm of the couch behind her. I decided to play it cool in hopes that I wouldn't look like a anxious mess in front of everyone. "Damn it, Ethan! We could have won, together~" - "No! How could you even try to temp me with your evil, cheating ways!?" Ethan said in one of his goofy accents. We all shared a laugh and actually began to concentrate on the task at hand. "Time' up!" Amy informed us. We all put our food in the oven to cook. I grabbed my phone and quickly exited the room, knowing that someone would come and get me when our dishes were done cooking.
I checked my notifications and noticed I had 2 missed calls from (y/n). I called him back desperately hoping that he'd pick up.

"Hey," ~yawn~ ",what's up?" He said as he picked up.
I let out a sigh of relief, "I'm shooting a video right now, why didn't you ever respond to my texts?"
"Oh, I just woke up..."
I checked the time, 1558," At almost 4 in the afternoon?"
"Wait, what?" I heard him shuffling around, "Oh shit... I guess it is 4."
"Shouldn't you be at work right now?" He was about to answer me but Tyler was calling me back in the room to continue the video. "I gotta go, babe." I said quickly. "Oh, okay, bye." I hit the end call button, it honestly hurt me to do that, I wanted to keep on talking to him but I had to continue recording.
When I walked back in the room all I could think about was (y/n). I just want to be with him right now.

[(y/n)' s pov]

When Mark asked me why wasn't I at work my heart froze, I didn't even think about what I'd tell him. I walked around my living room in hopes of getting an idea, it would have to be something so that he wouldn't worry about me, but also convincing.
I anxiously checked my phone expecting it to be Mark, but instead it was the same number from last night.

xxx-xxxx: One mistake after another, you didn't listen to me... what a shame...

(Y/n): ok who the fuck are you and how do you know me???

xxx-xxxx: oh don't worry about the details darling, it really ruins the game

(Y/n): wtf are you talking about??? What game???

xxx-xxxx: You'll soon be mine... and Mark's fame will be to blame

I was completely done with whoever-the-fuck this was, I thought they were probably just some crazy fan. I tried calling the number to get an idea of who I was talking to, as soon as I hit call I heard an ear piercing noise, it sounded like nails on a chalk board mixed with a fax machine. I quickly hung up hoping to save my phone's speaker.

xxx-xxxx: Oh how cute, don't worry darling, soon enough you'll know me too...

I stood there in a terrifying awe ready to scream but nothing would come out.

xxx-xxxx: Just remember, Daddy Dark will always be here for you 🖤🎀

«1060 word count»
Also I've no idea why I made him talk in some sorta rhyme... but anyway there ya go...
Btw I used a picture of my cat...

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