Deceit X Swamps X & Identity

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"Don't trust him!" A haggard voice screamed out. I lazily turned my head around, knowing it was a fake. Satotz's aura was too strong for him to be a fraud. I saw a man with blonde hair, covered in scratches emerged from behind the building, "Don't let them fool you, he's lying" he pointed his finger accusingly at Satotz, "That man is lying to you! He's an impostor, a total fraud, I'm the real examiner, you got it."
Satotz looked bored and uninterested as I walked over to him. Standing beside him, I could get a full view of everyone's confused faces. "Baka" I muttered under my breath.

"I'll prove it, look at this!" The fraud yelled while pulling a man faced ape put beside him. "This is a man faced ape from the wetlands, they love the taste of human flesh, but their limbs are really long and thin so they're actually quite weak, that's why they disguise themselves as humans and trick us into following them into the wetlands where they get together with other creatures to kill and eat us. That's what he wants, to deceive the entire hunter applicant pool and feast on every one of you!'

People began to question Satotz as I looked at him, yawning. I pulled out one of my ninja stars, the poisons had different effects on each creature, I could see if that man was human or not by hitting him with it. I threw it at the impostor, slashing his threat as three cards flew to him, three to Satotz and ten to me. 'Damn you Hisoka' I thought as I flawlessly caught them all, leaving the applicants staring at me in fear again. Satotz caught them while the other, well, he wasn't so lucky. He was on the floor and purple tufts of hair began to spring up in his blonde hair and his lips began to thin. Just as I thought, a man faced ape himself.

Hisoka shuffled his cards, " I see, I see, that settles it then, so you are the real one." Everyone turned to Satotz so quickly I'm surprised the didn't get whiplash, Satotz tossed the cards aside. " The examiners are hunters," hisoka said as I walked towards the fallen ape, " each handpicked by the exam committee to do this job without pay, anyone who holds the title we're vying for ourselves could have deflected that attack, and quite easily I might add. As for Tora, her ninja stars contain a deadly poison which has different effects on each species, therefore, she'll be able to tell us what that man really is"

"I shall take that as a compliment," Satotz said, his mustache moving," thank you, still, should you choose to attack me again for any reason, I will have no choice but to report you for attacking an examiner and have you immediately disqualified. Is that clear?"

"Of course," the magician said smoothly, "now lets hear from our dear Tora, hm" he looked at me as I pulled the star from the throat of the creature and cleaned it off with a cloth.

" A Man faced ape himself" I said amused, "did you really not realize Satotz was the real examiner, the ape specifically said their limbs were weak, yet Satotz ran all this way without breaking a sweat while more than half of us dropped out and everyone, with the exception of Gon, the white haired kid and I, is drenched in sweat, fools". As I walked away from the body, monstrous birds flew to the body and began to eat it, gross.

"He was trying to confuse the applicants and lure some of you away" Satotz continued as I returned to his side, " these attempts are to be expected. Please be aware that you will encounter such deceptions on a regular basis..."

*time skip brought to you by... umm, this troupe thing I found in my camera roll*

 umm, this troupe thing I found in my camera roll*

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