Kinda X Building X Up

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Grimm013 drew this!!! She's so talented! Thank you so much! I fangirled so hard when I saw it I fell off the toilet! I know I usually say I fell off the toilet when I love something so you might assume I'm lying but I swear, I'm always reading something on wattpad when I'm on the toilet and for some reason, falling off the toilet is like... a daily occurrence. This chapter is dedicated to both her and JenLN0

Also, I skipped karate today so here's the chapter I've been putting off since I want it to be perfect. It's the official intro of Pika and the troupe after all and I wanted it to be badass, even though this is only part one since I'm too lazy to type it all.

Tora's POV

I woke up beside the blue haired girl. Tch, they left me here with her while they went to go fight the phantom troupe, pathetic. I stretched before leaping out the window and perching on the edge of a balcony... what? Benefits of being a cat.

I snuggled further into my hoodie as I walked through the streets, ignoring the perverted men looking at me. It's not like they could even touch me anyways.

After a while, I heard some loud ass shout that made me whimper as I covered my ears. I knew that 'warrior's cry' from anywhere, it was Uvogin. I ran to the area I heard it from, only to see blood gushing out of some short guy attached to Uvo's arm. I sighed, I'm a spy, I have to 'like' them. I slid down the edge of the cliff,"Uvogin! Do me a favor and shut the fuck up please and thank you! I could hear you from miles away, my ears really hurt now!"

He threw the body away as my eyes swept around the area, only to see Kurapika and the rest. Well oil beef hooked (say that fast)

Pika was in some fight with the leader guy while I made my way towards Uvo who seemingly couldn't move properly, probably poison. I smirked before jumping on top of his head. I covered my ears again as I heard SOMEONE shout," Shizuku! Would you suck the poison and leeches from my body? Your vacuum will do the trick."

She stood up and looked at him, forgetting I was there which I couldn't really blame her for,"Blinky can suck out poison, but nothing alive."

"What?" His voice echoed around the depression we were in, most likely a result of his 'Big Bang Impact', I again covered my ears,"Then what am I supposed to do?"

Shalnark jumped up and landed perfectly like 200 feet below with no injury, meh, anime logic,"Let me see. Wait... Tora-chan!"

The blonde ran past Uvo and crushed me into a hug, rubbing my ears,softly through my hood since he could clearly tell they were hurting. I unintentionally purred and buried my face into his chest as he giggled. I hate purring, and that whole thing where I got closer to him was completely involuntary,"Hey Shal"

My voice got the attention of the rest of the troupe as I heard a chorus of,"Hey Tora," "How have you been" "Anything interesting" and things like that.

After a while, Uvogin snapped,"I'm the one with poison in my body! Someone come and help me!"

I groaned as Shalnark rubbed my ears again, the noise this man makes! I look at him innocently with stars in my eyes,"Uvo, that hurt my ears, can you please stop?"

That look brought the mighty Uvogin down, he nodded and looked at Shalnark pointedly. With a last pat to my head, he jumped behind Uvo and began to diagnose him. I saw him take a leech out of Uvogin and I was so done, not today Satan 🙅🙅🙅.

I looked away until Shal tried to approach me again. I jumped out of the way,"You were holding that leech in your hand! No way in hell are YOU hugging ME!"

Shizuku jumped down with her vacuum and turned it on as chains wrapped around Uvo. Knowing this was the work of Kurapika, I quickly put my hand on his shoulder, where a chain wrapped around my hand, locking me in place, "AAAHHHHHH!" He shouted as I screamed myself and covered my ears, tears falling out of my eyes. I had a killer migraine and my ears ringing made everything like ten times worse.

We were in a car, every bump in the road making the situation ten times worse. I whimpered and buried my face into something which smelled awfully familiar... Kurapika! I was sitting in the lap of the enraged driver who was paying no attention to the road while Melody was in the passenger's seat and Uvo as well as Squala in the back. I felt so horrible, curling up and willing myself back


"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH" I heard Uvo scream. I was in Neon's bed, again, her in the shower. We had gotten along pretty well when we introduced ourselves to each other but right now, I'm pissed. HOW MANY TIMES DOES A GIRL HAVE TO TELL HIM TO STOP SCREAMING!

I assume he has escaped, which is like, 100% possible, so I do my job. Technically, I was too lazy to recapture him but I was totally keeping the boss safe... right?

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