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All the classes were summoned to attend an assembly. And that included 3-E, much to the the students dismay. They didn't seem to like the idea of being in the same area, breathing the same air as them, which they didn't want to be doing. 


"Can't believe THEY had to attend this assembly too.."

"I thought this was for the main classes? Like classes that are on the campus?"

"I don't know why they're even here. Are they even considered a class?" 

"Alright everybody! Settle down!" Gakushuu said into the mic once he went onto the stage, before getting a small smirk on his lips at the hearing the screams of his fangirls. "You should know as to why you're all here today." He continued, seeing all like he was including 3-E like he wouldn't have included them if they weren't invited to come to the assembly. 

As the speech continued, he sighed, looking up at the guy bored as all hell. 'For someone who has some serious daddy issues, he knows how to give a speech. At least, even though his only personality is literally playing soccer.' The redhead chuckled to himself, before letting out a sigh as he didn't want to be here at all. 

"Karma, I'm surprised that you're even here." Nagisa hushed to him, seeing that Karma would've just skipped this assembly.

"I'm being forced to be here against my own will." Karma sighed as if stressed, which isn't the case. He just didn't to be in the same room, let alone breathing the same air as the person that's supposed to be his twin by blood. But to Karma, the younger Asano just seemed like a annoying nuisance to him. 

"Of course.." Nagisa sweat dropped before going back to paying attention to the assembly. After a good 15-20 minutes later, the assembly finally finished, and the students all scramble to their classes, well, most of them just wanted to get away from 3-E. Even though the only good looking people in the school are all in 3-E.

"Oh yeah, what was your chuckling about earlier Karma?" Isogai asked.

"It's nothing, don't worry about to, 'kay?"


Karma gets ready to head out before hearing his surname being called before groaning loudly, knowing exactly who's calling him. 'God kill me now-- actually no, because that might actually happen. Don't need to jinx it.' He sighed, before turning around with a raised brown. "Yes, Gakushuu?~ What ever can I help you with?" Karma said in an awful innocent voice which made the strawberry blonde male cringed and grimace in instant disgust.

"Don't ever do that again." He said, before Karma immediately nodded his head. "I couldn't agree more, that was terrible. Why would I make myself do that?" He asked himself before signing. 

"Anyways, my father would like to speak with you." 

"He would like to or he wants to? There's a difference Gakushuu." 

The purple eyed male rolled his eyes, "he wants to talk to you. Not like you have a choice. If you don't go, he'll only send me to go fetch you. And I don't to go up the hill that you have to go up every damn day." 

"Fine, I'll go." Karma groaned his rubbed the back of his neck before making his way to the principals office, which was on the same floor as 3-A, 3-B, 3-C, and 3-D(lol). Once there, he knocked on the door and didn't wait for a response before walking inside. "Your minion summoned me here?" He said before closing the door before halting when Gakushuu kept the door from closing. "Are YOU supposed to be here?"

"Yes, sadly." The 5'9 male said before shaking his head before resting against the closest wall that was by him. "

"Well, what do you want old man?" Karma asked, looking at the older Asano, which made his eyebrow twitch ever so slightly. "I want you to be in the same class, as your twin over there." Gakuho said, glancing over to his son, who's eyes widened at the request. Karma's did as well. "But I need your consent in order to transfer you over to Class A."  

"Wait what- the hell are you talking about? Why would I? And why would you? I have a bad behavior, you damn well know that. You STILL want to transfer me? How dumb can you be?" The now agitated redhead against, rubbing the back of his neck, with a very annoyed look on his face. 

"Because people are going to start catching on that you two are twins. And after your little chitchat in the hallways, you happened to have a little eavesdropper with you during the conversation. So that's one person that knows you two are twins. It's going to be some time before they give out the information that you're twins."

"And that matters because? You have reputation to keep or something? Do people think that Gakushuu has a stable like with a mommy and daddy at home everyday?" He sucked his teeth in annoyance. "Hell, making in 3-E is much more better than being in 3-A. I don't give a rats ass about your damn reputation. We may not be the 'best' class in the entire school, but shit, we get work done."


"BESIDES! Why would you want someone who know that oh so little secret in 3-E, in a different class? That's not only putting kids in trouble, but also your school, your money and YOUR reputation on the damn line. Damn, I know you don't care about the students here, but damn. Didn't know you didn't care that much." Karma chuckled, his hands in his pockets. His mercury eyes narrowed at the grown man in front of him. 

"So I'm declining your offer. I'm going back to class, see ya." The redhead left, slamming the door behind him as he made his way back to class.

Gakushuu's eyes were widen open, not expecting, kind was, that kind of outcome. He was staring at the door before looking over to his father. He opens his mouth to ask a question about Karma's teacher before barely dodging the soccer ball that went flying at him. 'What the hell?!'

"Don't." Gakuho staring hard the table before looking up at his offspring. "Go back to class."

Gakushuu nodded, gritting his teeth slightly before nodding. "Alright." He muttered before  leaving the office and went back to his class. 

Gakuho continued to look down at the table in front of him, not being the fact that he just lectured and yelled at by a 15 year old. He sighed in agitation, running a hand through his hair as he pulled out their student profile.

Karma Akabane.

Gakushuu Asano.

"Both are a disgrace to my family."


Twins 【A Gakushuu and Karma FanFic】Where stories live. Discover now