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"Tsk." Karma clicked his teeth, his hands in his pocket before making his way to his house. He wasn't mad at Gakushuu, no no no. He was mad at the girl, he doesn't trust her. She gave off this type of vibe that him NOT trust her. 'She's probably gonna use him to get close with the father or she's trying to get money. Gold digger.' The redhead thought, before taking out his phone and looked at it to see he got a text message from his brother.

G:Hey..are you okay? You seemed pretty mad at me when you left.

K:Yeah I'm fine. I'm not mad at you, don't worry.

G:you sure?

K:Yeah. Just..spend some quality time with your girlfriend.

G:okay, bye for now then.


Once the 6'0 male got home, he flopped onto his couch and made a small 'oof!' sound. He had already taken off his shoes, and laid on his back. "Hmmm, maybe I should text Nagisa and see how he's doing."

K:Yo, Nagisa

N:Karma? Hi, it's been a long time since we last talked! How's it going?

K:Good so fair, I got the same job and position as Gakushuu.

N:...Why am I not surprised.

K:lolol, have you grown.

N:...Since when were we talking about my height?

K:Since now~ but hey I have to tell you something.


K:So, I met Gakusuu's girlfriend today and I get this really bad vibe from her. I don't know what to do because if I said something to him, he's gonna ignore me and like, listen to his girlfriend.


K:And I feel like she's only dating him for money or to get close to his dead. So I have doubt for their relationship. I DOUBT she's loyal.

N:hm..maybe you should confront her when you see her out in public with her. When she's by herself in public, and your twin is not around.

K:and record the conversation yeah?

N:Mhm, and maybe Gakushuu will believe you if you have proof maybe?

K:Well, he's a bit stubborn but yeah. I think he'll believe me.

N:Yeah, well I gotta go, I gotta grades these test...from delinquents.. ^^'

K:Ah ah, have fun Mr.Shiota 

N:whatever, bye


Karma soon ended the conversation with his friend, humming happily. He soon smirked, stood up and put his shoes back on, leaving his house in order to meet Asano's girlfriend.




After looking for the girl, he found her sitting at a cafe by herself. This made him smirk as it'll be easy since not a lot of people in cafe as well, walking into the cafe, he went straight for the table Riko was sitting at. "Hey Riko~" he purred, sitting down in front of her.

"Huh? Oh hello K-"

"That's Akabane to you. I'm here to have a serious conversation, so be serious with me."

Riko's eyes widen before smirking slightly. "Hm? What is it that you want to talk to me about Akabane?"

"Don't act all innocent with me. Please, I'm not like my twin. I'm not stupid nor am I naive to fall for somebody like you."

"Ah, is that so?"

"Um, yeah. I want to ask you a question."

"What's your question Akabane?"

"What do you want from Asano?"

"I want money. Not only that but I also want power and fame."

"So you think that dating my brother will get you that money, power, and popularity?" 

"Yes, it seems so. He IS the son of Asano after all." Riko smirked, crossing her arms as she popped her hips out.

"Tsk, you're pathetic."

"Excuse me? I'm pathetic? How am I pathetic? I'm not the one who has a idiotic twin."

"That may be true, but at least I'm working hard for something I want and not using someone for my own personal gain." Karma soon got a sinister grin onto his face, leaning in towards her ear. He whispered, but made it loud enough for his phone to pick up.

"It'll be a shame if Gakushuu found out. As well, if it went onto the internet." He chuckled evilly. You could see the horns and the tail starting to pop out as he snickered evilly, giving off a dark aura. 

Riko gasped, pushing Karma away, which only made him stumble. "You wouldn't dare!" She roared at him. 

"Oh but I would, and I already did." He soon pulled out his phone and stopped the recording. "I hope you have a fun time being homeless~" he purred out and soon made his way to Gakushuu's house, leaving the female that screaming and crying her heart out for him to stop.

'Too late for that~'



Once Karma successfully arrived at Gakushuu's house and soon knocked on the door. "Gakushuu, open the door. It's me, Karma. I need to talk to you and it's really important if we had this talk about  your girlfriend."

Gakushuu immediately got up and opened the door, and soon letting his brother in. "What do you need to talk about?"

"It's about your girlfriend."

"My girlfriend?"

Twins 【A Gakushuu and Karma FanFic】Where stories live. Discover now