♥ тωιиѕ нαиgιиg συт~♥

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It was the first day of their beginning of their short break before they could actually start working. Karma was glancing down at his phone, smirking widely as he had the sudden huge urge to text Gakushuu, knowing the his number and knowing that he didn't change it either.

So, he unlocked his phone and went to his contacts and started to look for Gakushuu's name in his contacts which was My Dear Younger Twin~.


Gakushuu:...Hi, what do you want from me at this godforsaken time.

Karma:Nothhiinnng, and it's only 2pm chill jeez ╮(╯∀╰)╭


Gakushuu:You need something from me and I want to know what it is

Karma:I'm bored. Let's hang out.


Karma:Why nooooot

Gakushuu:Tsk, I don't have time to hang out with somebody like you.

Karma chuckled before calling Gakushuu, and soon listened to his phone ring.

Whilst with Gakushuu, he stared at his phone with the poker face like 'wtf why is he calling me' but soon sighed and answer the phone.


"Roses are red, violets are blue, theses leaves are crusty, just. Like. You~" Karma purred before hanging up before he could hear Gakushuu yell at him. The redhead sadist laughed, holding huis stomach whilst he waited for his brother to come to his house to yell at him, smirking widely.

Surely enough, there were banging at Karma's front down, only to be followed by a shout and that voice that was shouting belonged to none other then Gakushuu himself.


Karma smirked, knowing EXCATLY who's voice that belongs to. He hummed a bit, before lazily getting up and soon walked slowly towards his door. "Hmm~? Who is it~?" 

"You know damn well who it is!" The banging only got louder.

"Sorry but I don't let loud banging guests into my house." The redhead snickered.

"Tsk. Fine."

"Now state your name and business."

"Tsk..Asano Gakushuu and I'm here to see Akabane Karma."

"Who's Akabane Karma?"

"My twin..He's my older brother." He muttered.

"Ahhhh~ you're here to see me!~ C'mon in!" Karma opened the door, a big grin on his (handsome) face.

"Whatever. But I'll have you know that I'm not crusty like leaves, thank you very much."

"Anyways-- since you're here already, why don't we go hang out?"

"And why should we?"

"Because I said so and I'm the older brother." 

"That doesn't have to do with anything." 

"Yes it does. Now take off your shoes and start playing with your older brother in his living room~"

~*~Time Skip~*~

Karma and Gakushuu were currently playing games till he heard a ding! off in this distance, which came from Gakushuu's phone. Which made the strawberry blonde male sigh and get up and soon walk over to his phone, which was only the couch.(Him and Karma are sitting on the floor.)

"I have to go."


"My girlfriend wants me home." He muttered.

"Tell her you're spending quality time with your twin. Or, does she not know you have a twin." He hummed, pausing the game. 

"It wouldn't matter. She would walk her if she had to, besides. It's 9pm, it's past dinner time." Gakushuu stated plainly, huffing a bit before putting up and walked over to this sweater- which was on the couch- and placed it back on himself.

"Gakushuuuuuuu~" he whined, before pouting a bit and soon sighed. "Fine, whatever. I can't keep you anyway from the 'Love of your life'." He chuckled. "You should let me meet her one day."


"Are you scared?" The older twin smirked, crossing his arms before turning his head and body to face the strawberry blonde male.

"No, most definitely not."

"Then why don't you let me meet her?"

Gakushuu went silent after that. After clicking his tongue, he sighed. "Fine. I'll let you and my girlfriend meet each other tomorrow." He rolled his eyes.


"Now, I have to leave. Bye." He hummed before putting his shoes on and left the house. 

"Well, that was fun. I guess tomorrow is gonna be interesting~" Karma purred out, a Cheshire grin coming upon his lips.

Twins 【A Gakushuu and Karma FanFic】Where stories live. Discover now