Curiosity killed the cat

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It had been 4 days sense someone said we were out of food for Slendy to notice one of his favorite little candies were gone. He then sent me and BEN to go shopping. We had to disguise our selfs as humans which made me look like some drug dealing teenager and made BEN look like a small kid that needed a hair cut. We left with 100 bucks for needed food and another 100 for things other people wanted. The shopping list we had could reach Alaska cause it was so long (it only had 30 things on it). BEN seemed exited to go shopping but only cause he just got to sit in front and read the comics they had while I had to go all over he store to find the crap we needed. The trip only got more unbearable when I noticed there was a shit ton of sales and a even more people there for them. While I made sure not to try and make contact with other people I still ended up catching the attention of 3 older we on and one employe who was telling me an out a sale on a item I was holding when I only had it cause BEN texted me to try and find it.

Me and this tall guy had a nice chat before I turned and continued to shop for the stuff we were sent to get. In the end me and BEN had to carry and crap ton of bags deep into he forest and in a creepy ass mansion where even more creepy people lived and didn't even get a thank you. A t least when Slendy saw we got back with everything and didn't fuck up like we usually do he let us keep the extra 30 bucks that was left over cause all the sales I ended up getting more stuff for less from listening to splendor and his coupon shit one time. At least the trip paid off cause me and BEN went to GameStop to look for some new games to get. This is when some kid pointed at BEN ,cause he still wearing his fucking link getup, and said that he was Zelda. I laughed while BEN frowned and almost lost it on a 7-year-old. Then the guy at the cash register looked at him and said he was in a bad link cosplay he just groaned and walked out of the store, when I finally was done getting some new games to play and to the edge of the forest where BEN was sitting it was beginning to get dark. After about 12:00 our disguises would wear off so we began to walk into the forest until we heard something horrible. There was music playing, heavy metal. Some teens were going to be riding deep into the forest again! I looked at BEN who looked scared because if they saw us we would he toast, speaking we looked so out of place already that they would be suspicious. So we ran until we didn't hear he music and then quickly got into the mansion which sucked cause if the teens got close to the mansion after 12:00 then it would be visible but if they went inside it would look old and falling apart. That's why we all get to bed by midnight.


when I heard the loud music I panicked, those teens had a reputation of trying to try and find the mansion but jane tries to scare them off most of the time. But still as we ran we could hear the music goes closer and closer, we barely made it ass e ran into the mansion and shut the door. That's when slender man looked at us in a disapproving look (if he could look like he had a disapproving look on his 'face'). But he walked out of the door with screaming filling moments later. This is when me and jeff walked up to our room as our horrible monster like features began to show and take over our bodies once again. I looked in the mirror and smiled, my dark eyes and creepy smile combined with my pale skin made the best look for me. When I looked up at jeff he was also staring I to the mirror but he looked sad, well if it was possible. He did kill his parents at a young age and he did go insane and make himself house he was. But then he just sighed and took of his jacket and laid in his bed. I walked over and placed my hand on his back

"You ok dude? You seem a bit down"

"No I'm just wondering how all of us got like this. More importantly WHY"

This didn't sound good and it didn't help he sat up and looked at me deeply he eyes, the. Said in a serous tone "We need to find that girl from before. I have some questions"

I jumped, that girl was bat shit crazy by now and was locked in the basement so she wouldn't attack us after that who ordeal on those weird ass chemicals she injected into herself. Why would jeff want to ask her questions?! But before I could stop him he was out of the room and running down the straits to find where Slendy kept her......

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