Chapter 2

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Mr. Lancer seemed frozen in shock, leaving Danny to feel very awkward standing in the middle on the room as Danny Phantom. Seeing no harm in changing back to Fenton at this point, two familiar rings surrounded surrounded the ghost boy. This seemed to bring Mr. Lancer out of his shock, as he shook his head and yelled, "Pride and Prejudice!"

"Mr. Lancer? Are you okay?" asked Danny, worried of his teachers answer.

The teacher seemed appalled at his student for asking of his well being. "Me, Mr. Fenton? I could ask the same of you! You were just shot! Do you know how dangerous that was? What kind of teacher does that make me? Letting a student go out to fight instead of manning up and doing it myself!"

"B-but you s-saw me turn into...?" Danny had begun his question, but didn't finish it due to his confusion. Mr. Lancer must have noticed this, and decided to voice his own thoughts before the boy could state his.

"Yes, you're Danny Phantom, I saw that! The risks thought! Danny Phantom first came three years ago. Around the time you started to fail your classes. When you became known as the clumsy kid in the school. Oh! It makes so much sense now! For three years you've been fighting ghosts! How has nobody seen the clues? Wait... That is the reason for any injuries you would come to school with! You've been putting others health and safety in front of your own? Mr.Fenton! Do your parents know? We have to tell them so you could be safer!"

"Mr. Lancer?" Danny asked, not really asking a question, but implying that he needed to ask one still. Stopping his rant about his students safety, Mr. Lancer looked to Danny. "So you're not wondering how I'm half ghost? You don't think I'm a freak?"

"Why would I think that?" Mr. Lancer asked. "You're a hero Daniel! You saved the Earth from the Disasteriod! The only thing I'm worried about is your safety! I'm a teacher! It's my job!"

Danny smiled. He was accepted by someone. No one knew of his secret, true, but now that Mr. Lancer knew, he felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. So he did something that surprised the both of them. He hugged his teacher and after a second, Lancer hugged back. To his teacher, he whispered," Thank you."

A very Strange Machine
Time skip

Later that day, true to his word, Danny met up with his two friends at the Nasty Burger. What they didn't expect though, was that a certain English teacher would be seeing them as well. The surprise seen on their faces was enough evidence to that. Sam's eyes widened and Tucker, who had been mid-chew of his burger, dropped his burger and choked on what was in his mouth.

Smacking Tucker on the back to stop him from choking, Sam gave a weary look to her boyfriend and teacher. She didn't know what was happening, or why their teacher was sitting in the same booth with them, but the calm and normal smiles that took residence of their faces led her to believe that there wasn't anything wrong at least.

"Mr. Lancer, don't take this in a rude way or anything, but why are you here?" Sam asked, seeing as the two people in the opposite booth hadn't said anything other than a hello, providing no explanation as to the teacher's presence. They must have forgotten, the looks of realization creeping up on their faces.

Mr. Lancer was first to speak, saying, "I just wanted to know a little more about your after school activities." He put emphasis on activities, hinting at the fact that he knew Danny's secret. Tucker, who had been unusually quiet so far, didn't take the hint and tried to trick the teacher.

"Activities, Mr. Lancer? Pshhh. We don't really do anything special. You know! We're teenagers! We just hang out here! Shopping! Games! We're normal!" As he tried to convince the teacher they didn't hunt ghosts, Tucker waved his hands around until he hit his drink. He shrunk back into his seat in embarrassment, chuckling nervously. Sam sighed from her friend's ridiculous antics, and picked up where he left of. "Mr. Lancer, like Tucker was trying to say, we don't do much beside hang out at each others places or here."

Danny and Mr. Lancer sent a knowing look at each other before Lancer nodded his head towards the boy's friends. "Sam, Tucker, he found found out," Danny started. (I had wanted to leave it there, not for cliffhanger purposes, but laziness. Be grateful) "When I met him after class, we had an... Unexpected visitor, I guess you can say. It was 'Ghost X'" he said, referring to Skulker by Jazz's old name for him. Better safe than sorry if there are any wandering ears.

Finally realizing that the teacher was no longer oblivious to the halfa's secret life, Sam leaned back in her chair after sitting on the edge the whole conversation. Tucker, always the most dramatic of the trio, hit his hands on the table in rage. "You couldn't have said that before I made a fool of myself?" He whisper yelled, his embarrassment evident on his face, seen through upturned eyebrows and a frown.

Danny chuckled before responding, "You do that without my help, dude." Mr. Lancer, who had been silently watching the trio from his chair, smiled seeing that the ghost hunting hadn't changed their friendship. Something still bugged him though. "Mr. Fenton, if it alright to ask, how did you become a- you know- a-,"

"Halfa?" Sam finished her teacher's sentence, seeing as Danny had gone quiet. The couple looked in each other's eyes, and when Danny nodded his permission to tell, she continued. "A few years ago, when we were just fourteen, his parents built a very strange machine. It was designed to view a world unseen, the Ghost Zone. When it didn't quite work, his parents just quit, so I convinced him to take a look inside of it. He tripped and there was a great big flash, and that's when everything changed. I guess his molecules were rearranged? When we were able to wake him up, he had changed physically too. He had snow white hair and glowing green eyes, the HAZMAT suit he was wearing reversed colors. He had new powers, making him much more unique than the other guys. He decided to stop any ghost that would come through the portal, and we helped him."

The overweight teacher sat with his eyes closed, thinking about what happened to his student. This accident half killed his student, and left Danny in situation no one should have to face. His school life was terrible enough with tests, homework, teachers, and bullies pressuring him. I was one of those teachers thought Mr. Lancer.

While the teacher was thinking of his own wrong doings, the ghost boy realized for the second time that day, that his class was going to the Ghost Zone and he didn't know when it was. Much less how to prepare for something like this!

"Mr. Lancer?"

"Yes, Mr. Fenton?" The teacher responded, his train of thought interrupted.

"When is the field trip? I may have tuned out in class a bit... And is it too late to change the destination?"

"The trip is in two weeks. It's much too late to change the destination. Why?"

Tucker, calmed down from his small tantrum(even though he will deny he ever had one later), looked to the teacher confused, like he expected Lancer to know this. "Mr. Lancer, we're going to the Ghost Zone. The places of all his enemies and friends. Now we're going in with the entire class? Well, our class will be in constant danger, his secret will be on the line, and there's probably more I can't think of right now. And if his secret does get out, we don't know how his parents will react! They might try to rip him apart molecule by molecule! And the person that's sending us on this trip in the first place? The mayor, Vlad? He probably has something up his sleeve to get rid of Jack or make Danny his son! And-"

"Mr. Foley! Calm down! What does Mayor Masters have to do with any of this?" Mr. Lancer asked, confused on what Amity Park's mayor had to do with the subject. The questions of why he'd want Jack gone and Danny as family could be asked later.

It was Sam who answered this time, as Danny was sinking in his seat in anger and murmuring something about a fruit loop and Tucker was on his PDA doing who knows what. "Mr. Lancer, do you remember the Wisconsin ghost that bargained the world's safety if he could rule it after?" She paused, making sure the teacher knew which ghost they were talking about. When he nodded, much like a student would, she continued. "That ghost, Vlad Plasmius, is the ghost half of our mayor, Vlad Masters. He's kinda like Danny. He's the only other halfa."


DUN DUNN DUNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!! There's the second chapter. Hope you liked it. Comment. Tell me what you thought. Constructively criticize. I have a bit of a half baked plan for this story already ready, so hopefully it won't sound cliche. I think that's all I needed to say.



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