Chapter 18 - The End

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A song i listened to too get into the feeling for this chapter. Enjoy guys. It's the last chapter :)

Minor warning of violence, no graphic scenery of blood and gore, minor suffocation.

It was... dark. That was it. Not like a there's-no-light-on dark but a void dark. The kind that sucked you up and your emotions. He knew he was just sleeping but it didn't feel like a dream. It was a could be.

A might be, should be, but won't be. Not if he could stop it. This would not be the end of the world over his cold dead body.

He would make sure. Danny wouldn't want it any other way than the way where the only one getting hurt is him. He was a hero and he would do his damn job.


"Danny. Danny, come on, get up. It's time to go." The voice was soft. Nothing touched him but the blanket around him. He had fallen asleep in the cockpit. "Danny, please. No one wants me driving you should really get up."

His eyes felt crusty, and opening them was a bit hard. When Danny finally managed to, his dad was hardly a foot from his face. A half hearted, dopey grin took up most of the space.

"Come on, Danny-boy. I just got in contact with Jazzy-pants back at home. We're expected back home by the time school ends." Jack still looked tired despite the cheerful tone he forced into his voice. Neither of them had gotten much sleep these past few days. None of the students had either. Lancer hadn't slept at all last night. He was the watch guard.

Danny's back popped as he stretched, and as he bones got back in place he yawned. He wasn't truly awake yet, and his mind was still in his dreams. "Morning, Dad. What time is it?" His voice sounded a bit raspy and was still heavily laced with exhaustion.

"It's about six thirty right now." The large man turned around and grabbed something behind him before turning back. He had a few granola bars and what was hopefully normal water. He took it with a thank you and had a tentative sip. It was water. "I've used the Fenton Finder to track our portal! Did we ever tell you Danny-boy? Your mom and I had just made the Finder, and when we were testing it out, we found out it had its own signature! Isn't it fascinating?"

This was the most genuine happiness Danny had seen on his Dad's face in a few days, so he played along. He'd actually known for a while, but his dad didn't need to know that. "Really? That's cool, Dad."

The past few days had been spent at Dora's kingdom. Seeing how her people had been practically slaughtered like sheep... they stayed for their safety and to comfort the Princess. It wasn't an easy time for her. It wasn't an easy time for anyone in the know.

He munched in the granola bars as he got ready. He had fallen asleep in his regular clothes, but he hadn't brushed his teeth and his mouth tasted like something died in it. He hadn't meant to fall asleep in the front, he had just been working on setting everything up for the last day in the Zone.

"I think your mom will be waking up soon," the large man spoke again, stopping him in his tracks to the Speeder's bathroom before continuing, "I've noticed her hands twitching today and yesterday." He held so much hope in his voice, and so much love.

Danny was relieved, he really was. He even let out a large sigh of relief. But something inside him couldn't help but feel fear. It was so irrational this fear at this point. The Fentons didn't hate Phantom. People that knew his secret were supportive and trustworthy. His mom knowing... probably wasn't as big of a deal as he was making it sound. His dad would be the same, more likely to be asking him questions of ghosts than caring about the why.

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