Chapter 9

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Look at the adorable Danny! So cute!(i made him)


This literally stinks. My iPad is glitching out right now I guess, and I can't paste my chapter. This is going to take forever to rewrite on to this. Ugh.


So close to tears. I don't even want to start writing. Trying so hard to make it paste.


"Don't scream!" Danny practically tackled his best friend to his back, preventing Tucker from yelling in outrage. The boy only looked up to Danny, and with a glare, licked his hand. "EW!" Danny tried to wipe his hand on his pants, while Tucker started talking.

"Are you joking? He said Dan? Are you sure? I'm going to beat the evil out of him and-" Tucker was whisper yelling, since it was pretty late (or so they assumed. Time was hard in the Ghost Zone) and everyone was most likely asleep. Waking people up wouldn't be the least suspicious thing at the moment. Danny was quick to shove a pillow at his friends face, effectively shutting him up without sacrificing his hand to possible spit.

Sam and Tucker were outraged. Why would they worry? They knew that he could defeat Dan as he's beaten him before, but that doesn't mean that gives Dan the right to just ruin their trip! That and the threat that now lingered over Danny and themselves! Looking to her boyfriend, Sam glared at Danny.

Feeling the eyes burning into the back of his head, Danny slowly turned to met Sam's eyes. He cringed away in instinct and immediately said louder than intended, "What did I do?" Looking to his friend for help, Tucker scrambled out of the makeshift fort saying, "I'm sleeping on the couch, goodnight."

Slowly looking back to the angry teen, eyes churning like an amethyst ocean. "Danny, why do you think I'm mad?" The question truly shocked Danny, leaving him speechless. Almost.

"W-what w-was that? I-i mean.. huh?" Genius. I know right?

"You think I'm mad at you? You think I'm mad at this trip? The GIW? Evil ghosts? The world? No. I'm mad at Dan. He hurt the cupcake called you, and now he will fade," Sam, spoke in a voice so soft, her message couldn't be considered as a threat anymore. Only a promise.


Meanwhile, in a room nearby...

Maddie was on the bed, next to her husband, thinking. Jack had taken to tinkering with their secret weapon in case of emergencies. Never too late for improvement.

Jack's large figure took most of the space on the small bed, and Lancer was occupying the bed to their left, sleeping, giving Maddie an excuse to use her husband as a pillow and curl against his side. Her thoughts were a tornado of of regret and guilt. Regret of what she had done to the ghost boy. Guilt knowing that she was the one who had shot him with the bug. She wanted to apologize somehow. She knew the bug has bonded with his ectoplasm by now, so taking it out wasn't an option. A simple I'm sorry seemed like to little. Phantom hadn't said anything other than that it was good they didn't hear personal information. They needed to make things right.

"Jack?" A small whisper escaped her lips, weak from her lack of use from it in the past hours. Jack immediately stopped what he was doing to look to the auburn haired woman laying against his arm. Clad in her blue jumpsuit, he couldn't help but feel lucky that he found his perfect love. Matching her small voice, he whispered back, "Yes?"

"How will we fix our mistake?"

Jack closed his eyes, knowing what his wife was thinking of. He opened them again, and put the weapon and tools on the floor beside them. Wrapping Maddie in a hug and laying them both down at the same time. "We'll fix it. We'll make it right," he comforted, sounding much more sure of himself than he felt.

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