Chapter 6

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Danny had to admit, he was a bit nervous. Islands had finally come into view, but only a few minor ghosts would come floating through. No enemies with intent to imprison him or get his pelt (still ew). The lack of ghosts unnerved Danny, leaving him feeling like he had earlier throughout the week: like an evil was coming back. Something so familiar, yet unknown. A forgotten 'friend'.

A tap on his shoulder soon followed by a kick to his leg(I'll let you guess who did what), Danny was startled out of his thoughts. Sam was looking at the black haired boy with an expectant look.

"Danny, your mom was talking to you."

"She was?"

"Yes, Danny. I was," said Maddie, standing right in front of her son.

"Uhhh... Hi? Wait, who's driving the Speeder?" Danny asked, praying his father wasn't at the wheel.

Maddie smiled, knowing exactly want her son was thinking. "Autopilot dear. Jack is banned from driving during this trip. Now answer my question!" Maddie commanded, needing her son's answer. He hadn't been listening though, and rubbed the back of his head in embarrassment.

"What was the question?" He timidly asked. His mother sighed and took a deep breath in.

"Your father and I need a look out for any ghosts that we might not be able see while driving. Can you go to the crow's nest to look out? Not all ghosts are Phantom!"

By now, most of the students had become quiet, choosing to listen to the Fenton mother and son conversation. It's not like there was much else to do. The initial amazement from entering the Ghost Zone was gone, there were no ghost, whether good or bad, and they were bored. It's not like they had wi-fi. With the gazes of so many eyes upon Danny he began to feel uncomfortable, but refused to let it show.

"Sure, Mom," came Danny's answer, sounding more confident than he was. He got up and walked over to the ladder near the front of the Speeder and climbed up. Once completely up, he looked around and realized small it was, but not a bad small. More of a... cozy small. Danny sat in the spinning chair in the middle of the dome shaped lookout. The dome was made of glass, and there was a panel next to the chair with buttons and a screen.

Looking out the window, Danny tried to spot any familiar islands. A small ways left, he could see Skulker's island. To the back side of the Speeder, much further away, was Pandora's castle. Way off in the distance, almost indistinguishable, was a place Danny hardly wanted to think of. Pariah's Keep. The thought of the castle where the ex-ghost king was defeated by himself sent shudders down his spine. Choosing to do as he was instructed to do rather than continue to think of the evil ghost, Danny looked away from the castle, not noticing the ghost floating out and beam of light that shot out of the roof soon after.


At an island no more than an hour or so away at this time, a large marshmallow with battle armor that also happened to be a ghost had just spotted a mini version of the Great One's ghost dog. It flew towards the marshmallow in a running motion. The marshmallow began to run to the mini dog at the same time, wondering what the small dog was coming to him for.

"Frostbite!" The small dog yelled out to the now named Frostbite. "Frostbite! I have a message from my master!"

Frostbite froze (hehe) in his tracks at the sound of his name. "State your business, small dog," he commanded, wondering how much the small dog was like the Great One's dog.

"I am Small Bob! I was sent by my master, Danny Phantom! He has a message for the marshmallow, Frostbite!"

Choosing to ignore the marshmallow comment,(I really want marshmallows. Can you tell?) Frostbite grew worried at the sound of Danny's name. "What is the message? Tell me the message!"

"Do not worry Frostbite! He only wishes to warn you that when you next see him, please avoid any use of his titles. His class is on a field trip through the Ghost Zone, and the Fenton's are following your ecto-signature to this location as we speak! That is all," Small Bob said.

Sighing in relief, Frostbite thanked Small Bob. There was no danger. He looked up from ground and off into the distance, expecting the same sight of the first time he met Danny. He still remembers the day. A crashing Speeder that arrived seconds after an ice splinter had poked his back. The pain had been almost unbearable, but Danny saved him from the splinter!

"You have an hour at the most before they arrive," spoke the ghost dog. "Is there anyway for you to warn your fellow ghosts of his coming?"

"Yes, yes," Marshmallow spoke. "That would be wise. Come, Small Bob. You shall deliver the message." Frostbite finally looked away from the vast view of the Ghost Zone. When Danny arrives, no one will think there is any connection between Phantom and Fenton. We'll be such good actors that they'll never know! Yeah. Frostbite thought to himself. He walked away from the cliff that Small Bob and he had been talking on. Had he kept looking out, maybe he would have been able to see the light that many others had failed to spot as well.


Back in the Specter Speeder, Danny's classmates were talking about what they expected to see. Mark Fishbach sat with his friends Tyler and Ethan. Popular students in Casper High, but without the idiocy and rudeness. (I had too. Plus it's better than making OP OCs).

Mark fluffed his hair, thinking if he'd see the Ghost Boy while on the trip. He really hoped that he could get a picture. He didn't even need to be in it! Tyler, Ethan, and Mark were simple people. They just want to have fun! Unlike the jocks in the class, that shove nerds in lockers because they feel like it, Mark and his friends are just sincere guys that like games and acting. They just want to live life to the fullest. Seeing Danny create a small dog of ice seemed a good way to start doing that. While usually they would question it, but they were too late when he was sent up to the crow's nest. Though they weren't too late to see the beam of light. They didn't know where it came from, what caused it, or what it meant. They did know that they weren't so sure everyone would come out unscathed on this trip.


Yeah I know. Sad chapter. No action. Filler and stuff. Marshmallows. MARKIPLIER. He's going to be a minor character. I just needed more people than the same nerd, two jocks, and shallow girls in the class. Everything will start getting really good soon though! Really! Don't look at your screen like you think I don't know what I'm doing! I do! Kinda. And hey! Pariah!



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