Chapter 12

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I just like the song. I guess if you thought about it a lot it would relate to the story? Kinda? Not really? Okay then. It's Pitchfork kids by AJR if you wanted to know but not watch. Ill shut up.

"Rock, paper, scissors!"

"Dam it!" The beret loving boy put his head brown in shame and dropped his scissors down to his lap as the girl to his right playfully hit his hand with her rock. Tucker sighed, crossing his arms to show he wasn't going to play (and lose) again. When Sam raised her hand in the form of the rock to try to tempt Tucker into playing another round, he changed the subject. "Danny was awfully dramatic earlier. So what if we heard a story a million times?"

Sam rolled her eyes and socked him in the arm. "Yeah, but we should have at least humored him. This Dan thing, you remember last time. It's driving nuts I bet."

"Is your boyfriend making you soft?" Another hit was delivered with a combat boot to the leg this time.


After an hour had passed, another island came into view. On the island, a mansion stood dark and proud. In the mansion, a writer was left alone once the master of time sensed that a speeder had arrived at the doors. A pounding knock came from the doors, and the ghost tried his best to ignore it. After a few seconds passed, he had assumed they thought no one was here. The pounding began again, but he also heard someone he had forgotten was on the trip all together.

"Hey Ghost Nerd! You too busy writing fan fiction?"

Ghost Writer closed eyes. He groaned, sliding down his chair and floating down to the floor, an act of a petulant child. At the moment though, he didn't care. The jock on the other side of the doors that he was floating to was one of the most interesting but annoying characters to write. He was so idiotic, it was hard to write a steady personality.

He yanked the door opened and a hand immediately phased through his head. When the man in an orange suit kept his hand through his head a second to long, he took a step back and almost got away with slamming the door on them. The real outcome though, was that the many students and teachers shouted in worried protest of being left out in the open for longer than they have been, and the blonde jock shoved the door back open.

And under his breath, the ghost writer would sigh, and his computers would type the occurring events. He could only mumble, "This will be an interesting chapter."

His glowing green eyes scanned over the many humans at his door, counting twenty two annoying brats. Before another word could come out of the students' and adults mouth, a monotone voice came from the ghost. "So, you finally decided to continue the story? I was worried, for it seemed that for a while that you were stuck in the longest break in history. Not as bad as some other authors I know, but bland enough to make me... add, a bit of, excitement to say."

Ghost Writer walked back towards his computers, slowly floating up higher and higher. Mr. Lancer passed Jack, leading the group into the dimly lit room. The nerds marveled at the sight of so many books in a single room, as even the library back home could never even hold this amount of books. Star and Kwan were silently amazed as well, scared to voice their thoughts.

Paulina stood next to Dash, the two of them looking around in disdain. A sneer graced Paulina's 'oh so perfect' face, and in her high voice, voiced her disappointment. "I thought we were, like, going somewhere cool! This is a loser lair!"  In her mind, Paulina could only wish of meeting the ghost boy instead of being in a.. a... library.

While most of the people stood around in complete awkwardness, six words clicked into Danny's mind. "What do you mean, this will be an interesting chapter?"

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