Chapter 3

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With the knowledge of Danny Fenton also being Danny Phantom, Mr. Lancer started to see things that he hadn't seen before in the trio during the first week before the trip. He saw how when a ghost appeared nearby, Mr. Fenton would disappear only for Phantom to arrive seconds later to save the day. He heard how, while he would walk pass classroom doors, the ghost boy's friend would make excuses for why Danny was absent or late. He'd see Danny walk into his class with a limp, or wear a long sleeved version of his normal shirt, to hide any evidence of a fight while he healed.

He tried to take it easy on the trio when they would walk in out of breath on Tuesday, when the Lunch Lady had come back, angry with menu. He let Danny have a pass when he wasn't able to turn in his homework on Thursday, knowing that the day before he had fought technus for what seemed like hundredth time. Yes, he lightened up on the boy and his friends these past few days. He made sure that he would give small punishments though when these events happened, to make sure no one suspected him of anything suspicious. He would give a warning to not do something again, maybe give a few more easy questions on homework.

The one thing that had changed most about his personality as Mr. Lancer, the teacher, was that he finally punished the football players, regardless of their status. He may not have given drastic penalties, such as suspension from the team, that would be suspicious. No, instead he'd give similar things as Daniel. He would give warnings when talking in class. He would stop Dash when he'd catch him wailing on another student, instead of letting it continue. He would give referrals, when needed, to any jocks that thought the were above the teachers.

For the first time in a while, Mr. Lancer felt like a good teacher.


The trio had agreed when Lancer first met them after learning Danny's secret, that on Saturday, because of the upcoming field trip, they would give their teacher a quick run through of all things ghost. When they told Mr. Lancer of their plan, he agreed immediately and asked where they would do it. Setting their schedule up for a time at 9:30, the would meet at the only place to teach a middle aged, overweight teacher about ghosts. The Fenton works ghost lab.

It was easy enough to get the older Fentons out of the house. While they may have decided that not all ghosts are bad, the Fenton parents knew there were ghosts out there that aren't like Danny Phantom. So they promised to themselves, to only study the evil ghosts, and since learning ghosts can somewhat feel and have emotions, they won't dissect or rip any ghosts apart molecule by molecule. So telling the ghosts hunters that there was a ghost on the rampage in Amity Park while Danny Phantom was in the Ghost Zone did the trick to getting them out of the house. Danny loved his parents, but he needed them gone for this.

"Mr. Lancer," Danny said in his ghost form, whacking a pointer stick at a Fenton Thermos. "this here, is a Fenton thermos. One of the most important things needed when fighting a ghost. As you may have seen before, it sucks up a ghost into a very cramped environment, stopping all use of ghost powers. So far, not a single ghost has been able to escape these."  Handing the thermos to the teacher, Danny wanted to make sure his teacher was familiar with everything, starting with the weapons that could save his or someone else's life. Wondering how it worked, Mr. Lancer took the cap off while the opening was pointed at Danny. Needless to say, Danny was sucked in, remembering when his older sister did the same thing to him. While two usually loyal friends laughed at their friends fate, the teacher struggled to release his student, screaming out titles of books in place of profanities.

After a few hours, Mr. Lancer knew everything about the Fenton gadgets and how to use them to his best ability, from the Fenton Foamer to the unnamed hot dog cooking gadget. What it's purpose was other than making food come to life, the teenagers and teachers would never know. Teaching the teacher about the other ghosts that resided in the Ghost Zone was another story. Once again, much like a certain redheaded sister of Danny's, the teacher didn't understand that the ghosts were already named. The Box Ghost temporarily became the Cubed Criminal and Spectra, the Soul Sucker. Another hour and a half passed until they were completely finished, the time being 2:35. Stopping for a well deserved lunch break, the four ate sandwiches in peace in the lab.

As Mr. Lancer chewed on his food, feeling rather awkward in the silence, he began to wonder. Will Danny ever die? He is half human, and humans get old and fade away after many years. Young Daniel is also half ghost though. A ghost lives on until their obsession is complete. From what Danny's reaction to getting ghost powers was three years ago, Danny's obsession might be protection and protectiveness over others. Do is his obsession never finished? Lancer looked to the big couch in the main room they were eating in. The trio looked so close, but if Danny can't die, and his friends are only human, then they will be separated eventually.

Feeling the need to clear his minds of the sad thoughts, Lancer broke the silence with a single question: "Will you be packing any ghost equipment for the trip?"  Danny froze after just finishing his lunch. Literally. The couch that he and his friends were sitting on soon became coated in a sheet of ice. He hadn't packed anything for next week. He didn't know what he should pack. He didn't even know who was chaperoning the trip!

"I haven't packed yet," he first mumbled.

"What?" Asked Sam, cold and confused of what Danny said.

"I HAVEN'T PACKED YET!" Danny yelled, frantic now. He flew off the couch and into the lab at top speeds, leaving his friends with wide eyes, jaws dropped, and possible hypothermia.

In the lab, Danny was grabbing anything that seemed like it could be of use: three Fenton Wrist Rays, three first aid kits, three thermoses(though it would be hard finding a safe place to release any ghosts that might become trapped in them seeing as he'll be stuck with his class), a lipstick blaster, and a cool double sided lightsaber thing. "Food," Danny said to himself. "Food is important for a week long trip."

Flying back upstairs to the kitchen at slower speeds, Danny first went to the fridge. He soon remembered, you don't open the Fenton fridge. You just don't. Slamming the door closed and leaning against it to keep any hot dogs from eating off his face and the emergency ham's smell away, Danny was thinking of what else he needed.

"I NEED CLOTHES!" He yelled, phasing through the roof and into his room, grabbing anything thing he could find, from jeans to a jacket.

Meanwhile, downstairs, a certain teacher was trying to get all the ice forming around Sam and Tucker off of them.

"I s-s-swear," Tucker barely managed to say with chattering teeth. "Every time he forgets something or does something wrong, something bad h-h-happens to me. At least I have you,Sharon."  He caressed his PDA, earning strange looks from Sam. She grabbed away his PDA(known as Sharon now), a panicked scream coming from the techno geek. Sam smirked before handing back his precious Sharon, while saying, "You know it's not his fault. I'll go calm him down before he packs the house."  Freed from the ice, the goth walked up the stairs to where ever Danny was.

Lancer stood up straight once the last chunk of ice was removed from Tucker's leg. "Does this happen often?" Mr. Lancer asked, eyebrow raised in confusion. Tucker chuckled, smiling at the few times his best friend had gone crazy before. "He doesn't do it a lot, but when it does happen, have a heavy duty jacket handy."

Still caressing his PDA, a thought popped into Tucker's head. "Hey Mr. Lancer?"

"Yes, Mr. Foley?"

"Who's Chaperoning this trip?"

"The supposed best human ghost hunters in the world, of course."

"You don't mean...?"

"I do. Maddie and Jack Fenton are the ones leading us through the Ghost Zone."


YAY filler! Yeah, sorry..... But would you rather some kick butter Lancer that magically knows how to use all the Ghost weapons and who every ghost is? I don't. So the chaperones are the Fentons! YAY cliche! But hey! They're not trying to kill ghosts at least! I'm trying to take it a bit easier on them... They're so hated in fanfiction these days..... And lancer started to actually punish those who need punishing! YAY! I know this has been a little revolved around the teacher for now... But you'll get more Danny later!



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