Chapter 4

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As the week passed by, Danny began to have a strange feeling. It was the same feeling he had before he even knew of the Disasteriod. When Dan and Pariah Dark attacked. The feeling of Schist is about to go down. You know that feeling? Yeah? Then you should know that it's not a good feeling. Good. I didn't feel like explaining more.

As Danny walked into his English class with Lancer on Monday on time for once, he nodded his head to Mr. Lancer in acknowledgment. As nice as it was that his teacher knew his secret, Lancer was starting to revert back to his old ways when it comes to Danny. Sure he wouldn't give Danny detention (Detention and ghost hunting? No.), and the jocks weren't being babied by Lancer at least. Though the homework wasn't getting any easier like it had the first week, or harder like years before, and Danny expected this so everyone was treated equally, he did miss it. That must of been how the jocks felt before he sluggishly thought. The class progressed on once everyone had arrived, and silent class work soon followed.

The feeling had kept him up all night, and there wasn't even a ghost attack to keep his mind off of the trip. Where's the Box Ghost when you actually need him? The Box Ghost had become somewhat of a friend to Danny. Yes, he still likes to attack Amity Park now and then, he screams out beware the Box Ghost and yada yada, but otherwise he wasn't really a bad guy now. They actually even hung out sometimes. They fought only because Boxy liked to test his strength. And recently, he's had a bit of an eye for the Lunch Lady. Danny's even been giving him love advice!

Ask and you shall receive some ghost trying to destroy your city Danny thought as a blue wisp flew threw his lips. If it's Boxy again, I will take away his favorite cube for interrupting me in school. "Mr. Lancer?" Danny raised his hand, hoping his teacher would see the problem in his eyes. The teacher looked up from his book and saw the ghost boy's worry displayed on his face and feet positioned to run. He sighed and said to his student, "Go ahead Daniel, leave your work on your desk."

Good thing I finished early.


Running away from the restrooms and instead to the football field outside, Danny looked around before yelling out his catch phrase(makes me laugh just thinking of it. Gotta love Danny.) and transforming into his alter ego. Flying up above his school, he tried taunting the ghost out of hiding. "UGLY OH UGLY! WHERE ART THOU UGLY?"

"I'm not ugly, Dipstick! I'm a star!" A familiar voice yelled back. Danny rolled his eyes before finally seeing his favorite ghost ever (The sarcasm!). It was someone you remember. Trust me, you remember her name. Yeah? Yeah, you remember it. It was Ember! Yay jazz hands and stuff!

"If it isn't flame face!" Said Danny, trying to pour as much annoyance into his voice as possible.

"You know you love me!"

"Do I? Do I really?"

"Oh come on! Is that anyway to treat the greatest rock star of all time?" Ember said, smirking. Danny looked to her in defeat, not feeling in the mood to continue the petty fight. Noticing Danny's lack of Danny-ness, Ember soon became confused, the emotion evident in her face, her eyebrows scrunched up and mouth in a pout. "Danny? If it's about the whole greatest rock star thing, I'm sure you're a close second!"

Danny smiled at Ember's version of comfort. "I'm fine Ember. I just have a bad feeling and thought that you were the cause when my ghost sense went off."

Raising an eyebrow, Ember responded with the ever famous, "Really? Is that it?"

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know! Something cool! I guess... Wanna go to a concert on the other side of the world?"

"I'm going back to class!"

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