Chapter 10

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The obsession with Danny Phantom is real >.<

In a door some ways away...

"One, two, Dan's coming for you."

A dark chuckle filled the small room with a large echo.

"Three, four, don't bother locking your door."

So what if they knew he was out? It won't change a thing.

"Five, six, your bones will break like sticks."

There will be no running from him.

"Seven, eight, ten years too late."

He will become him. This is the future. There's no hiding from destiny.

"Nine, ten, I'm coming for them."


Back in the Far Frozen...

Dash sat next to Kwan on the couch, brooding. Kwan on the other hand, sat on the couch next to Dash, snoring. When Dash couldn't take the loud noise anymore, he started to calm down and smiled in Kwan's direction. He took off the letterman jacket he was wearing now that he'd changed. He aimed carefully, and chucked it at his friend. Startled awake, Kwan fell off the couch and yelled "COME AT ME NERD!"

Dash fell out of his seat as well, laughing to hard. The nerds(the only nerds that came were actually Mickey,Nathan, Rebecca, and Mia. Most of there others were to )just walked in at just that moment, before walking out immediately. A small whisper could be heard among the four. "And we're the nerds."

When the two jocks composed themselves, Dash put his hand on his friend's shoulder. He pulled Kwan's head close and whispered, "Let's prank Fentertainment- tonight."  The two shared a look that would have scared any nerd, but probably will only annoy the raven haired child. They planned to follow Fenton around until the best possible moment to humiliate.

Hours later, they would find that it's harder to prank a kid in the Ghost Zone.


Danny was supposed to go with his parents to visit Frostbite. They didn't quite know which house was the designated hut, but Danny did. He may not have said he knew because he visited every now and then, but instead told them that the Yeti had told him the way.

As Danny walked through the village, acting like he didn't know one hundred percent where they were walking, he thought of if he should tell his parents. Not that he was the ghost boy. No, definitely not that for a while. He wondered if he should tell them about Dan. He'd ask Frostbite of course to tell them, he'd look suspicious otherwise.

Danny has always been slightly oblivious. He won't deny that. That doesn't mean he's not smart, though. Getting smarter as the days go by.

Lost in a daydream, Danny walked into the door to their destination. Maddie immediately checked over her son to see if he was okay. The thud must have made whoever was inside think they were knocking, because soon after a booming come in was soon heard. Jack stepped around his son and wife, who were both standing now. Jack opened the old, rustic looking, wooden door.

He stepped in first and looked around, quickly finding the large yeti. When all of the present Fentons had walked in, the door closed on its own. The large shadow of a yeti crept closer, growing bigger. It stopped right in front of them, and then, suddenly...

"Do you want a cookie?" Frostbite held a plate of chocolate chip cookies out, and Danny was quick to grab three and shove them all in his mouth.

The meeting between the four beings in the room began, and many things were discussed and agreed upon. Dani would be accompanying them, they would have extra fuel in case, and a slip that would prevent ghosts from attacking them without permission from clockwork. The slip was just a slip, not some ghost shield, but it did give Walker an excuse to capture and hold someone as prisoner. The most important part of the meeting though, was when Danny and Frostbite looked at each other, and knew; they needed to tell the Fentons of Dan for their safety.

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