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On the request of AccioHufflepunk I have created this plot for her in particular...she gets first dibs...I'm sorry that it has taken FOREVER! I've been swamped this week and I haven't had a spare minute to even think about the plot so I am in my bed right now writing this...hope you like it.


Title: Caught Inbetween

Character: Margaret Rhys (changeable)

The battle of Sokovia is finished and Pietro has died...but he has not passed on. Stuck in our world as a spirit, he is tortured as he watches his sister mourn his death and he has no power to be reunited with her. By chance, Pietro meets a women with powers that she has never even found out about, Margaret. A nurse and struggling millennial, she finds a bond with Pietro and they work together in order to convince the Avengers of his spirits existence and to find a way to bring Pietro into this world and not let him break away into the afterlife.

Not the best I've ever done, it's kind of inspired by Ghost (I don't know why, I haven't seen that movie in years). I'm not really sure about much of the specifics but things could get pretty whacky with this plot and a lot of kind of mystical and intergalactic things could be brought in, even throw in some mythological elements. No one really needs to take this plot, but thanks again to AccioHufflepunk for the request for a Pietro plot.

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