Chapter 4: Trauma?

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"Mizuki-san, please accept this as a symbol of my love for you!" a boy from another class bowed, holding out a love letter for her.

"Sorry, Mikage-kun, but I can't accept this..." Ayame explained, gently pushing back the love letter to the boy "I-I don't held the same affection back like you do. Sorry..."

The boy looked slightly hurt at Ayame's answer and bowed "It's okay, Mizuki-san...I understand..." After he left, Ayame could hear him boasting about how he was able to give her a love letter and how she called him "Mikage-kun". She clicked her tongue in annoyance before returning to her seat, banging her head on her desk in the process.

"You know, even if you banged your head on your desk, nothing's gonna change" Tsukishima told her, slightly teasing her.

"Another confession?" Yamaguchi asked her.The freckled teen and his best friend would usually see a boy from another class confess to her and just for fun, they would usually count them and would bet if the boy will cry in front of her or if he would just accept it and brag about it. (Tsukishima's idea)

"Yeah...that's the 36th time I received a confession and love letter to this day..." she sighed, annoyed.

"Correction, that was your 56th time already, Mizuki" Tsukishima corrected her. 56, 36, who cares how many boys confess to her!? Days have passed and she already received plenty of confessions from different boys in different classes. It was annoying and she considered it as a waste of time.

Irritated, she stood and went outside to the vending machines. After finishing two chocolate drinks, an unfamiliar feeling settled on her stomach, as if she felt that something's going to happen. Or probably it is just stomach ache.

"The reason I came to Karasuno is because I want to see the volleyball club, not to become famous and whatnot...Man ..."

"Hello, Mizuki-chan" an annoyingly familiar male voice greeted her, surprising the violet eyed girl.

"If it's the Haruiko-san, I'm going to stuff him in the vending machine..." she muttered. Because she has violet eyes, many boys would reckon her as cute and pretty and they would give her love letters as a sign of their "affection", despite that they didn't know her fully.

Back to Haruiko Saku, a second year from Class 2. Despite not knowing her fully, he would endlessly ask her out for lunch or he would constantly give her flowers, chocolates and the likes. He's doing that for two weeks and usually, Ayame would just shrug it off and ignore him. But the more she ignores him, the more persistent the second year became and it's starting to get into her nerves.

(Reminds you of a certain someone, right? ;-P...)

She turned around to face the second year, an annoyed look on her face "Ah...Mizuki-chan, good to see you! Look, I was thinking if-"

"If you're asking me out again for lunch, sorry but it's a no" she quickly said, cutting him off. The second year smiled at her "You already know what I'm thinking, Mizuki-chan...Actually, that's not the only reason why I'm here..."

"What?" she asked, boredom written on her face.

"Let's go out on a date" he said, smiling at her.

"I'm sorry, what?" she asked again, confused.

"I said, let's go out on a date" he loudly said, half yelling it.

It took her ten seconds to process the information she just heard before blurting out in surprise "D-date?!" she said, not believing what she heard. The second year asked her out on a date, and they barely know each other! The nerve of this guy!! "Wh-what if I say no?"

"Then I'll kiss you. On the lips" he said, seductively "Choose: have a date with me or I'll kiss you. Pick one. Mind you, I'm good kisser"

"Neither" she answered quickly "Oh crap, we're alone...this guy's really disgusting..."

Haruiko sighed and looked at her "Then I guess I'll just have to force you my way ..." he grabbed her arm and pinned her on the wall. She felt that sharp pain in her arm before and suddenly, her old memories triggered back. " can't be happening...someone...make it stop..." She felt weak in the knees and she started hyperventilating. A loud bang kept repeating in her head and it's driving her crazy. Random images from her past kept flashing in her mind and her head started to hurt.

"Is the closeness too much for you to handle?" Haruiko said, smirking at her state "Don't worry, I promise I'm a good kisser" she tried to calm herself, like her psychiatrist taught her but with the second year's taunting words and the loud sound pounding in her head, she had trouble doing it.

Stop it...

"Senpai, have you got no shame in yourself?" a voice said. She slowly looked up and saw Tsukishima and Yamaguchi, giving the second year a cold stare "You're hitting on a defenceless first year? Tsk, tsk, how low can you get?"

"Mizuki-san!" Yamaguchi quickly went to her side. It didn't take him a minute to realize what the second year's about to do to the girl. "Darn that stupid, perverted, disgusting second year..." he thought.

"My my, I wonder what will the other first years think of their senior who's hitting on a defenceless girl...If I remember correctly, you're records are clean. What will happen if they heard about this incident, hmm?" Tsukishima smirked.

"Hey, hey, hey, show some respect, first years" Haruiko said through gritted teeth, trying to sound superior. However, with Tsukishima's 188 cm, he is obviously scared since he's a good 168 cm.

"Respect?" Tsukishima spat "First of all, senpai, how can we respect you if you're not respecting a female first year's decision, eh?" the tall blonde loomed over him, scaring the living daylights of the second year. Tsukishima glanced at Ayame and Yamaguchi, looking slightly worried at her state.

"Ts-Tsukki, what should I do? Mizuki-san...she's..." Yamaguchi started, looking at the shaking girl.

"Tsk...damn it...what the hell did he do to her? That's not a normal fear...she's most likely feeling...a trauma..." Tsukishima thought "Try to calm her down, Yamaguchi. Talk to her"

"B-but..." he said, but he shook his head "F-fine, I'll do it"

"Oh crap, what should I tell her? How can I calm her down? Should I rub her shoulders? Maybe it could work..." he gently rubbed her shoulders and talked to her in a soothing voice to try calm her down.

"Mi-Mizuki-san? Please, calm down..."

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