Chapter 23: Burned

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A/N: Sorry Exams are pretty stressful but mercifully it's over! Anyway, Happy Reading!!


It's just another day of training to the members of the volleyball team. Practice serves then receives and then, strategize about their play for the match. They settled on the idea that Kageyama is now their official setter and everyone agreed. Despite the busy day, everyone seems to be having fun and they are also improving, day by day.

"Okay, that's enough for today. Rest up and we'll continue tomorrow" Ukai told them.


"That guy seriously...he's reflexes are really quick and his speed is probably the highest on this team...and Kageyama..." Coach Ukai noted, looking at the oddball combo "What do you think, Ayame?"

"Well, Shoyo-kun lived in the mountains and I usually saw him bike to and from the school. Takeda-sensei said that it's a 30 minute trip with a bike so that's probably how he developed his speed and stamina. His jump is probably because of his hardwork in practicing whenever he could and his reflexes..." she stopped for a moment and opened her sketchpad with the players' information.

"His reaction time is fast. I guess his body moves faster than his mind could do. Kageyama-kun, on the other hand-" she stopped after realizing she talked too much "S-sorry! I did it again!"

"Nah, no need to apologize. Go on..." he said, motioning her to continue.

"Anyway, Kageyama-kun has great upper body strength, which is usually a necessary physical attribute for a setter to have. His speed, jump, and stamina are also one of the highest in the team. I heard from Daichi-nii that he always jogged early in the morning so, his stamina is the same as Shoyo-kun's. But his accuracy in calculating the perfect place for the spiker to spike is terrifying and amazing"

"Yeah...which makes these guys different from the others...their combination is terrifying..." he said.

"Anyway, since practice is over, I'll be helping Shimizu-san in preparing dinner" Ayame told him.

"Before that, Ayame, can I borrow your sketchpad?" Ukai asked her. She nodded and gave it to him "Thanks. Is everything here complete?"

"Yes. Player's stats and abilities, attack and defence patterns, and of course, some information about Nekoma's players from the time I know them but it's not that accurate" she said.

"It's all right. Better than nothing, I guess. Thanks again" he told her and she nodded.

"Kageyama, I challenge you! Let's play volleyball! You and me!" Hinata challenged the setter. Kageyama scoffed and told him it is pointless playing a one on one against him so it ended up as a three on three match with the other players.


"What are they doing, Ayame-chan?" Shimizu asked her as they are preparing dinner.

She sighed "Well, Shoyo-kun challenged Kageyama-kun to a match again..."

"Ah, Hinata-kun wouldn't really give up at defeating Kageyama-kun in a match" Takeda-sensei said.

The three of them helped each other in preparing dinner. While they were preparing, Ayame noticed a figure near the doorframe. She looked closely and saw dark green hair with pieces of flyaway hair sticking up.

"Tadashi-kun?" she called. The said teen flinched and turned to face her. He cursed his self for hiding in the most obvious place. He just wanted to watch the girl cook dinner and he knew he looked like a stalker.

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