Chapter 32: Jump Float Serve

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It was late afternoon and Ayame was bored. Her mind was blank in deciding a strategy to defeat Aoba Johsai and Shiratorizawa, if they will fight them in the Inter High. She flipped the pencil on her fingers as she stared at them with boredom. Sighing, she grabbed her jacket and went downstairs. Her mom is in the kitchen, preparing a small snack. Ayame shuddered. Her mother was never the cook of the house and she was anxious to go out to avoid her dangerous cooking.

"Mom, I'm going out for a walk" she said, quickly putting on her shoes. Her mother approached her, holding a tray of cookies that looked perfectly fine but you know what they say, looks can be deceiving.

"Oh...okay, Aya-chan, be careful. Here, have a few cookies before you leave" her mother told her, shoving a cookie on her hand. The violet eyed girl sweat dropped and paled.

"Th-thank you, m-mom! How...thoughtful...I will eat this on the way" she twitchingly smiled, opening the door. When she opened the gate, she saw Daichi standing.

"Daichi-nii! Good to see you!" she smiled.

"Good to see you too. Is Aunt Kazumi here?" he asked.

"Yep, she's here. Oh, have a cookie, nii! I'll be going!!" she rapidly said, shoving the cookie to him.

"Uh...thanks, Ayame-chan. Did you bake this?"

"No, mom did" she said, walking farther "Mom, Daichi-nii's here!! He ate your cookie and he likes them!" she yelled, and the captain paled. One of the things Daichi greatly feared is her mother's demonic attitude and her dangerous cooking. Her mother, Kazumi, saw Daichi holding the cookie she baked and smiled.

"Ah, Daichi! Do come in! Let's have some tea and cookies while we talk, shall we?" the woman said, dragging the crying captain by the arm "I'm doomed..." he thought.

The violet eyed girl walked and walked with no exact destination in mind. The sun is almost setting, spreading a beautiful shade of orange in the sky. She stared up ahead and sighed deeply. Boys were whispering and were pushing each other to her when she walked past them. She kept walking when she saw a net outside a shop.

"A net? Is someone practicing here?" she thought. She looked on its right side and saw a sign on the top of the building: Shimada Mart.

"It's...a shop mart..." she thought, her knees trembled as she remembered what happened seven years ago. The day she...

She shook her head and mustered her courage to enter. "It's a different shop mart, Ayame! Stay calm...relax...I'm not going to have a breakdown here..." she breathed deeply as she shook her head "It wouldn't hurt to enter inside, right?"

Once she entered, she was greeted by a familiar man in the counter. His wearing an apron and glasses and he smiled while greeting her "Welcome!"

"Isn't he...from the neighborhood volleyball association?" she thought. The man looked at her and stopped.

"Wait, aren't you Tadashi's friend? Oh, wait, yes, you really are his friend. Please come with me" he dragged a confused Ayame until they reached outside, where the freckled teen is practicing. The two first years looked at each other with surprise upon seeing each other.



"W-what are you doing here?" he asked.

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