Chapter 24: Reunion

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*Ayame's POV*

This it. Today's the day of our practice match against Nekoma High! I reviewed everything from night till dawn. Our strategies, attack patterns, and defence strategy. It will be hard to defeat Nekoma with Karasuno's new team but I have faith we can do it.

"What's wrong, kid?" Ukai-san asked me.

"Nothing, Ukai-san...I'm...just a little nervous...." I said. Actually, I'm totally nervous but I don't want to show it.

"In our match?"

"'s been months since I last saw will be a bit strange seeing them again" I said.

"You'll be okay, kid...anyway, we're here..." he told me, patting my shoulder.

Everyone quickly went off the bus and Tadashi-kun was kind enough to help me and Shimizu-san carry some bags when we heard someone screaming.

"Uwaaaah!! They've got a female manager!! And there are two of them!!! It's a pretty one and a cute one!!" I looked and I saw Ryu-senpai's look alike with a blonde Mohawk, screaming and pointing to our direction. I sighed. Do I look like a manager type of person?

"Score!" the player from Nekoma said.

"Female managers" the other grinned, high fiving each other "We win yakisoba bread!"

"I'll make you regret it~!" he wailed dramatically. What the-? Weirdo... he kinda reminds me of Ryu-senpai...

"Taketora-san, you can't escape the deal!" they said.

Oh!! I nearly forgot! That was actually Yamamoto-san! But why didn't he recognize me?

Ryu-senpai glared at him "You've got a problem with that, city boy?"

"Hell yeah, baldy" Yamamoto-san glared back. The two are emitting the same fiery background and I couldn't help but sigh at their pointless fight. Somebody needs to break these two apart.

"Oi! Tora! Stop that! It's embarrassing!" I heard a voice yell. I looked for its source and I saw Nekoma's libero, Yaku Morisuke. He pulled Yamamoto-san by the collar and Sugawara-san did the same to Ryu-senpai. Suga-san dragged him away from the two after apologizing. Shimizu-san went first, leaving me and Tadashi-kun.

"Idiot, that was embarrassing. You better apologize to their managers for being rude" he told him and looked in my direction. I flinched when he looked at me closely and his jaw dropped.

"A-Ayame?! Is that really you?!" he said, rubbing his eyes.

"Y-Yaku-san?" I nervously looked at him. Crap, this is nerve-racking and awkward! During our time in Tokyo, some of Nekoma's players were friendly with me, namely Yaku-san. I remembered that he would always have a conversation with me. I wasn't exactly the socialite type because of...that, but Yaku-san would usually tell me stories about their practices. I could tell he was trying hard to make me happy and it kinda worked sometimes. I really appreciate his efforts.

"It is!! I almost didn't recognize you with your hair!!" Yaku-san said.

"W-wait, Yaku-san! Is that really Kazumi-san's daughter?! The...the violet eyed girl?!" Yamamoto-san said, rubbing his eyes. I barely knew Yamamoto-san because he would sometimes distance his self from me or he would hide behind Kuroo-san but I know he's a powerful spiker.

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