Chapter 62: Focus

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"I'm not quite sure but...I think...I like...I like Tadashi-kun..."

Daichi couldn't believe what he just heard. He couldn't utter a word as his mind was processing the information he just received. His "little sister". The volleyball fanatic and genius strategist yet super innocent and dense as hell, Ayame. Who would've thought she had grown to like someone?

"Uh...nii...-chan?" Ayame waved her hand in front of his face "Are you...all right?"

He blinked to reality and placed his hand on his forehead "Y-Yeah...I-I'm fine...I'm a little surprised, I guess..."

Actually, he's in a big shock right now that it took all of his self control not to react loudly in front of the girl.

"Surprised? Why?" she tilted her head in a childlike confusion.

He made a small smile and faced her "That you learned to realize your feelings for someone...I never guessed that at all..."

"Is it a bad thing?"

"No...quite the opposite, really" he replied "Since when did you started to like him?"

"...I...I'm not quite sure..." she twirled another strand of her hair "For...some...time...I think? I'm not quite sure when but..."

"Don't over think it. Remembering when your feelings for him started is not important" he stopped her "What's important...are your feelings..."

"I see..." she whispered " you think...should I do?"

He smiled apologetically "Sorry, I may be your "older brother" but...I think it's best to ask another girl about that. A girl's opinion is much more different than a boy's, after all"

"Oh..." she saw Yachi coming back with some fresh slices of watermelons and Shimizu talking to Shinzen's manager "Thank you, nii. I'll be going to prepare for the next game. Later"

"Yeah. I'm about to go back to Asahi and the others too"

She threw the watermelon skin in the sack and left the captain. However, he was left thinking on how the young girl has matured and...came to like someone.

"But it won't be easy for her..." he thought sadly "Especially that she's afraid that he'll learn about her past ..."


"Hey, Yamaguchi. Are you okay?" Hinata asked the freckled teen, who is slightly looking a bit blue on the face.

"'s like...the captain's been staring at me in a scary way for a while now..." he replied "Did he...probably found out what happened? D-Did he know that I k-k-k-kissed her?! Ah, wait. If Daichi-san knew, then I probably wouldn't be practicing serves right now...But...why is he staring at me like that?"

Hinata shuddered when he saw the captain's face behind the teen, a few meters away from them "'re right..."

Daichi has been contemplating for a while now if he should or shouldn't interfere with Ayame's love life. He loved her and cared for her as a little sister (to the point that Sugawara and Asahi pointed out that he's being too overprotective). It is selfish to think that he didn't want her to have a boyfriend or to be in love but he doesn't have the right to do so.

For starters, he doesn't own her feelings, she does. He didn't want her to think that her life is being controlled by her childhood friend who is acting as her "big brother" and she'll probably hate him for that. The third year setter would say that she must decide about her own feelings and he should just cheer for her and guide her since she's already a growing teenager.

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